Vashti P. Bennett

May 27, 2011

Service Details


Vashti Pauline Bennett was the second of six children born March 18, 1935, to the late John and Eleanor Autry. Vashti accepted Christ at an early age and continued in His service throughout her life. As a faithful member of First Baptist Church of Pimlico, she along with a few other women were responsible for persevering in faith and prayer when the church was without pastoral leadership. She assumed temporary Trustee responsibilities during this time of transition and for many years taught Sunday School and sang in various choirs. She was appointed Spiritual Leader of the Deaconess Board where she conducted and coordinated Bible studies, organized women seminars, retreats to Sandy Cove, and started a church library and nursery. As a volunteer in the Baltimore community, she ministered to women at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. For the last four years she worshipped with the saints at Grace West in Des Moines, Iowa. She has been a Christian mentor, teacher, confidant, and friend -- “an example of the believers” to many.

She was educated in the Baltimore City Public Schools, graduated from Cortez Peters Business School in 1955 and received a degree in Early Childhood Development from the Community College of Baltimore in 1978. She operated Tot’s Christian Day Care Center for over thirty years, weaving Christian truths throughout her ministry to the many children entrusted to her care.

She is survived by her devoted and loving husband, Clifton Bennett; two sons, Mark Bennett and John Bennett; one daughter-in-law, May Bennett; one brother, James Autry; two sisters, Bessie Eggleston and Alice Redd; three brothers-in-law, York Eggleston, Jerome Redd and Ronald Bennett; four sisters-in law, Regina Autry, Sadie Bennett, Catherine Autry and Lorraine Autry; several god-children; and a host of nephews, nieces, cousins and friends.

Her culinary skills, which she taught and shared with us, delighted the palates of many -- especially her family and friends. Her home was a place of hospitality, refuge and shelter where she provided fellowship, sustenance, and comforts through ministry -- especially to those sick in body and wounded in spirit.

She was greatly loved and will be sorely missed. She would encourage us through these words which she ministered to others in Philippians 4:4-8: Especially verse 8: “Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Visitation - 10:30 AM Friday, June 3, 2011
Funeral Service - 11:30 AM
First Baptist Church of Pimlico
5301 Beaufort Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
