Judy L. Solem
June 06, 2022
Judy Lynn Solem of Des Moines passed away on June 6, 2022. Judy was born on June 9, 1959 in Des Moines, IA to Raymond and Darlene Hunt. Judy graduated Lincoln High School in 1977. Judy had married her husband Jack Solem on October 10, 1981 and remained married until her death.
Judy and Jack share two daughters, Trisha (David) Solem and Miranda (Brian) Pirillo. Together they share five grandchildren. Judy was a major NASCAR fan and loved shopping. Judy was a dear member of Lincoln Heights Lutheran Church.
Judy was a loving wife, sister, daughter, mom, grandma and friend. She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her husband, daughters and grandchildren.
Services will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at Lincoln Heights Lutheran Church, 1217 Watrous Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315. Visitation will begin at 1:00 p.m. followed by service at 2:00 p.m. with a luncheon after.
Memorial contributions may be directed to the church in loving memory of Judy.
Condolences may be expressed at www.HamiltonsFuneralHome.com.
Carrie Beardsley Voorhees
Jack and family, deepest sympathy and prayers for you during this time. I was a high school classmate. I reconnected with Judy in 1992 briefly but have since lost touch. May God give you comfort and peace.
Joni Biggart
Miranda, you are truly an amazing young lady. Times may have been strained over the last few years but you are doing everything you can to make this day special in your moms honor. Judy knew you were going to do great things and that you had all the support you needed to do so. I am truly proud of you and your huge heart and the support you have from Brian and the boys. Im always here if you need to cry, scream or talk. Love you!❤
Liz Van Zandt
My heart goes out to you Trisha, as well as to the rest of your family. I know how close you two were. God be with you. She was a funny and amazing person. She will be missed.
Dianne McBroom
I have known Judy since childhood. Her parents were my Godparents and we spent many Spagetti suppers, picnics at MacRae Park, church potlucks and Christmas Eve Church Services together with the Hunts. I pray Judy's family has peace with her passing and many wonderful memories. Dianne James McBroom