Sac Lam

February 05, 2022

Service Details

Sac Ngoc Lam was born May 28, 1924 in South Vietnam, to father, Chuong Ngoc Lam and mother, Co Thi Ly. She earned a Diploma of Statistics, a Diploma on Economics and Financial Studies, and a BA of French Literature. After her education from 1948 – 1950, Sac lived in Saigon tutoring and teaching children from ages 7 to 14, helping them with their studies outside of the classroom and teaching them French. From 1950 – 1952, Sac worked as the High Commissariat of France in Saigon, where she was in charge of establishing statistical data relating to all wholesale and retail pricing in Saigon, foreign import and export trade to Indochina, and all movements of ships and commodities coming in and out of the Port of Saigon. From 1952 – 1954, she worked at the Institute of Emission for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in the Saigon Office, where she was in charge of establishing statistics related to the circulation of fiduciary money in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, and the creation of the monetary system and balance of payment between the three countries. From 1955 – 1975, Sac worked for the National Bank of Vietnam in the research department mainly establishing the statistical tables relating to Foreign Trade, Fiduciary Money, and Balance of Payment for Vietnam. This involved collecting statistical data on the regulations concerning Foreign Trade and the monetary system in Vietnam as it related to other foreign currencies and exchange markets. During this time, Sac worked closely with the USAID Mission in Saigon. Sac would send updates on the Vietnamese piaster and new regulations of foreign trade and exchange in Vietnam annually in early spring to the editor of Pick’s Currency Yearbook. Annually in autumn, Sac prepared documentation on changes in foreign trade and exchange regulations, and the balance of payment in Vietnam for the Delegation of Vietnam participating in the annual meeting of International Monetary Fund which took place around the world. A delegate from IMF would visit Vietnam annually, and Sac was responsible for preparing the portion of the Final Report relating to Foreign Trade Regulations, and the Foreign Exchange and Balance of Payment. In the summer of 1967, she worked in cooperation with the Federal Reserve Bank of Washington DC, analyzing the end of year statement for the Vietnam National Bank, and in autumn of 1967, she attended at conference at the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC. After 1975, Sac began teaching French to students and any person who wished to learn or improve their skills in French. In December of 1998, Sac immigrated to the United States under the sponsorship of her brother, Quang Ngoc Lam. She achieved her U. S. Citizenship when she was 84 years old. In October of 2001, Sac was able to travel to France to visit with her brother, Dr. Bien Ngoc Lam and his family and her sister, Binh Ngoc Lam and her family. She continued to stay in France until June of 2003, when she returned to the U. S. Sac passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at the age of 97. Cremation has occurred and she will be laid to rest in Colfax, Iowa at a later date.

Sac is survived by her sister Binh Ngoc Lam.

She is preceded in death by her parents and siblings (brothers, Bien Ngoc Lam & Quang Ngoc Lam; sister Dieu Ngoc Lam).
