Michael Scott Hahn
June 11, 2021
Mike “Merc” Hahn, 60, passed away unexpectedly in his home on June 11, 2021.
Mike was the son of Donald and Gretta Hahn, born on June 16, 1960 in Cincinnati, Ohio. After graduating from Finneytown High School, he moved to Iowa to attend Luther College where he met his wife, Criss. They were married for 37 years and have two daughters, Alexis and Kylie. Mike was also the grandfather to two-year-old Anderson.
Mike was a CPA with two degrees in Accounting and Business Management. He served as the Budget System Administrator for the State of Iowa before his recent retirement from a 35-year career.
Quietly reserved, intelligent, and humble (but funnier than hell), he was a devoted husband and father, who provided unwavering security and stability for his wife and girls over the years. Mike was also known as an unsung hero to many--always willing to help others without needing anything in return. He lived a full life with some of his favorite past times being poker, NASCAR, football, family, and friends.
He is survived by his wife Criss; daughters, Alexis (Brad) Farr and Kylie Hahn; grandson, Anderson Hahn; his mother, Gretta Hahn; sister, Kris (David) Henderson; aunts, Marion Rude and Lucille Bjerke; and several nieces, nephews and cousins.
Mike was preceded in death by his father, Donald Hahn; and brother, Dave Hahn.
Please join us to celebrate Mike’s life on Friday, July 2, 2021 at 11:00 am in the Chapel at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines, Iowa.
The church no longer has COVID Restrictions; however, for anyone who is unable to attend or who is uncomfortable attending the service, please reach out to the family directly to view the live service online.
Memorial contributions may be made to Wings for Warriors, a nonprofit organization in support of veterans, first responders, and their families at wingsforwarriors.org/donate.
Holly DePaul
To the Hahn Family,
It was my pleasure to work with Mike. He was one of the clients that I always enjoyed visiting with on our software support calls. Prior to conducting business we would exchange pleasantries and over the years we learned of each other's families. He spoke with such great love of his wife and great pride in his daughters. He always had such a warm disposition.
My prayers and condolences to you all..
Scott Hughes
I am truly saddened by the news of Mike's passing. He and I were best friends growing up in Finneytown and I have many great memories of the times and experiences we had together. He was a great friend and a better person. My deepest sympathy to all the Hahn family at this difficult time. May the Lord be with you.
Tammy Winters
Criss, Alexis, Kylie, Anderson and family; I still can't believe Mike is gone. He was always such a presence. He always had a smile on his face and nothing but kind words ever came out of his mouth. Mike was one of the kindest and sweetest people I've had the honor of knowing and I'm going to miss him tremendously. I am so very happy we all got the chance to be together at the winery a few weeks ago. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything you need. God bless you and comfort you all.
Amanda Winslow
Criss, Alexis, Kylie, and family, I am so sorry to hear Mike passed away. God gained an angel sooner than anticipated. I only worked with Mike for a little over one year at DOM but I quickly knew he was a kind person. He spoke highly of all of you and adored his grandson. My prayers are with all of you.
Sharisa Carrington & the boys
Criss, Alexis, Ky and family,
We are so sorry to hear that Mike has passed. I know that he was there for me when I struggled as a teen and was also there for some of Aydans earliest days. We wish we couldve seen him again!
We hope you guys find peace during this difficult time. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.
Lots of love and the biggest hugs to you ladies and Anderson. 💕
Until we meet again, rest easy Mike.
Ray Joseph Orgeron
Criss, Alexis and Ky,
We are so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband and dad. I say dad because Mike was so much more than a father, he was truly a daddy. Any man can be a father, but it takes someone very special to be a dad and Mike was very special.
Mike lived for you girls and his grandson Anderson. He always talked very fondly about his girls. The 3 of you were his life. We have fond memories of you guys when you lived next door to us here in Woodstock, GA. We were sad when you guys left the cul de sac, but were happy that Mike was advancing in his career and his ability to better take care of "his girls". I just wish that we had better kept in touch with you guys over the 23 years since you were our neighbors. It was so great that Ky visited us a few weeks ago. We got to meet her pride and joy, Anderson and talked about old times. It was great to relive those memories and catch up on what has been happening since you guys left. Please know that you are all in our prayers. As our pastor told me after my dad died, he no longer needed our prayers because he was with God in Heaven. I truly believe that Mike is being cradled in the loving arms of our Savior Jesus Christ and is still watching over his girls, albeit from paradise. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you. We love you all. Ray, Malese, Damian, Devin and Megan.