Denise Marie Terrell
March 26, 2021
Sunrise 06/30/1958
Sunset 03/26/2021
Denise Marie Terrell, daughter of Robert and Roberta Terrell was born 06/30/1958 in Des Moines, IA. Where she lived from birth to homegoing. She graduated from Tech High School and worked in hospitality for majority of her life.
Denise had no kids of her own but she raised many and is loved by all.
Proceeding her in death are her beloved father and mother, Robert and Roberta Terrell. Sister Anita. Terrell and brothers Bobby, Lennie, Ricky Terrell.
She leaves to remember her legacy to her brother Dwight Terrell and her companion John Kirbya host of nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, family and neighbor-hood.
Elizabeth Adams
To my dear friend from "The Ponderosa" 7th grade through Tech High...we were young girls together...giggles...long walks to the Eastside and Washington Irving and Callanan many memories...
We grew up and apart but whenever we would meet we still "laughed and giggled"
May you rest in peace my dear will never be forgotten by me....
Vickie Daniels
I am sole lost for words! All I can say is May God wrap his arms around your family and hold you close. MAY DENISE R.I.P.