Ellen Thompson Hoyt

January 17, 2007

Service Details

Ellen Elizabeth Thompson / Johnson /Lamoureux / Hoyt died January 17 at the age of 65. She did not think she accomplished much in her life, but she did have an adventure.
She leaves behind her daughter Laurie McGinnes and her two children Larkin and Helena, and her son Jay Lamoureux. And three husbands. She also leaves behind a collection of unique art books, various voodoo masks, many little fairies and fetishes, loads of art supplies and handmade jewelry and art pieces. She also leaves behind her cat Abnorma Shearer. Please feed it.
There will be no funeral, as she preferred a small party before she passed away, so she could attend. Her 'funeral' was wonderful. She was cremated the following day. A living memorial vigil will be held on her upcoming birthday on March 17. On this day we will show our love to Ellen by living the way she lived every one of her days: Open to love, curious of all things, and laughing all the way to the end. Through us, her spirit is alive.
Memorial donations on her behalf be sent to the Des Moines Art Center.
