Cleo Maxine Bechtel
October 02, 2018
Cleo Maxine Bechtel: A Tribute to God’s Grace
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
—1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV), Maxine’s chosen life-verse
Cleo Maxine Bechtel was born on December 10, 1928, in Mallard, Iowa, to Cleo and Helen Searcy. A 1946 graduate of West Des Moines’ Valley (Junction) High School, she played musical instruments and basketball—what Searcy sisters did! Like many post-war graduates proficient at shorthand and typing, she settled into a downtown clerical job. There she met a desk mate named Buzz whose invitation to a Clear Lake camp would change her life forever on June 19, 1947. That very day God captured her heart with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This new life in Christ would motivate her to seek God, study and memorize the Bible, sing His praises, teach children the scriptures, and serve Him with passion and joy all her days.
Grandview Park Baptist Church (Des Moines) became her worshipping community and her outpost for service until health problems at last sidelined her. At church she met a handsome WWII sailor who swept her off her feet. They married in September 1949 and settled into a small East Side house near Grand View College. God gave them five boomers (Jim, Ron, John, Sandy, and Phil) whom they faithfully nurtured with the help of many aunts, uncles and cousins and a big church family. (She absolutely loved being a mom and grandma!) Despite many afflictions of body and soul, they remained faithful to their marriage vows for over 68 years.
After retirement as a legal secretary, Maxine employed her culinary genius to bless many with tasty foods and hospitality. Her passion for justice and righteousness drove her to editorialize issues, catching notice of fans and foe alike. She even served a term on the local Human Rights Commission.
In the summer of 2008 a paralyzing stroke would test her endurance and deepen her trust in the mercies of God to the end of her days. Her journals, filled with legible scrawl newly learned by her left hand, often affirmed the goodness of God despite irritating ailments that drained her patience. As late as her last evening alive on earth, she was verbally longing for heaven while affirming her submission to remain until the Lord was "done with me" here. Just hours before her death, amidst unspeakable discomforts and indignities, several witnessed her saying to visiting granddaughters, "See you in heaven." Such assurance testified to the peace of Christ that bound her soul and graced her lips frequently. Her last hours included “singing” along with others the old Christian hymns she loved and hearing the Scriptures read. At one point she asked for Psalm 1 to be read, and then she quoted it nearly verbatim.
Many will miss her but will never begrudge her wish to be with Christ, to leave behind her "worn out body" (her words), and to finish her journey well. Her decades of volunteer ministry, her singing God’s praises until a stroke stole her soprano voice, her lifelong care of family and friends, and her determination to live honorably before God—all leave behind a fragrance of Christ. With thanksgiving many now rejoice that God answered her prayers and theirs on October 2, 2018.
Maxine was preceded in death by her husband, Bill, in December 2017. In July 2016, when he could no longer thrive alone, he had moved from their Eastside home and had joined her at Sunnyview Care Center in Ankeny. There Bill was her right hand! There he competed (well, played his best) with her in 4-5 Scrabble games per day! How she missed his company and spoke longingly to be with him in Glory.
She was also predeceased by their firstborn son, Jim (2003) as well her parents and five siblings. She is survived by four children, Ron (Ruth) Bechtel of Gig Harbor, WA, John (Joann) Bechtel of Powers, OR, Sandra (James) Hawbaker of Crossville, TN, Phillip Bechtel of Ankeny, IA; 12 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Maxine wanted a sincere expression of gratitude to be spoken to all who have walked alongside her with gentle healthcare (especially the team at Sunnyview), spiritual encouragement (especially pastor and deacons from Grandview), and gracious friendship during her most difficult final decade. Her Good Shepherd and King, Jesus Christ, deserves praise for how He sustained her and keeps his promises to all who believe. To that effect those who gather at her funeral will sing, indeed, as she requested!
Memorial gifts may be made to Wycliffe Bible Translators, account #248580 (Hawbaker), PO Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862-8200. Thank you!
Condolences may be expressed at:
Nanette Hall
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I always loved Maxine's letters to the Register. She was always a great reader and loved Christian fiction. I tried to anticipate and put her on reserve for them. Bill was always faithful in keeping her well stocked. I often wondered what their status was after I retired in 2017. Knowing they are both with the Lord gives me comfort. I know that you all with have many good memories to sustain you.
James Martz
Nothing better than growing up hearing Maxine, her sister Carol and Virginia Walton singing Just as I am during invitation time at the end services on many Sunday.
Eleanor Bauer
My.deepest sympathies to.the famiiy and friends grieving the loss of this fine woman. I have enjoyed her letters to.the Editor expressing my own Convictions as well.
.I got to know Bill and Maxine more while I was In Sunnyview, playing Bingo at the same table. and other social activities. They were both great people.We know they are both together again reaping the rewards of those who put their faith in Jesus.
David & Darla Whatling
Many memories of Maxine, growing up at Grandview and also after I was married. One of our pastors used to introduce Maxine and Carol before they sang, as "The Searcy Sisters". She joins a whole host of believers that hold a special place in my heart. What a blessing to many your mother was! Makes me long for heaven that much more.
R. Torres
Dealing with the loss of a loved one is very difficult and I hope you can find comfort in the Bible at Revelation 21:4 "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes ,and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
Mary Tomlinson Morlan
John and family - my sympathy to you and your family. What a wonderful tribute to your mom. May your many memories give you comfort.
Jon and Marilyn Brower
Dear Sandy, Jim and family:
What a beautiful tribute you have written in her obituary. She truly was a great example of a godly lady. Our prayers are with you as you adjust to life without her on this earth - but what a blessed Hope that we will all be together, praising Him - soon! We love you.
I am very sorry for your loss. During this difficult time, comfort will come in many forms. God promises his comfort, support and strength to those who draw close to him in prayer. May you also draw comfort from the memories you shared with Cleo as you look forward to seeing your loved ones again. John 5:28,29.
Karen Houghton
Maxine was such a blessing to me on Wed. nights as we gathered for scripture and music at Sunny View Care Center. It was my privilege to wheel her back to her room and get her settled as she waited for an aid to help her. As I would get ready to leave and say "see you next week", she would say unless the Lord comes or He calls me Home. I had to miss two weeks in a row for eye surgery so my last time to visit with her was Sept. 12 and was sad to hear as I walked in the care center last night that she had passed away--but with that sadness I was rejoicing with her as she met her Saviour face to face! I will miss her. God bless you dear family!
David Cortner
I join the oher David as I share what a blessing Maxine was as a person, as a vocalist and most importantly as a devoted follower of Christ. A great impact on me personally, as she was so instrumental in becoming a believer and follower of Christ. Love and prayer support to all of you family members!
Janis Barr
Praying for you and your family at this difficult time. I remember your Mom and her sister Carol singing so beautifully at church. Hope all these lovely memories and Gods Love help you now. She is now in heaven with your Dad, and her Savior.
David Morrison
Sincere condolences upon Maxine's homegoing. Hardest working choir member I ever had at Grandview. Powerful spiritual force and voice. Once when she started a solo on a loud high note, it bent the needle on the sound board according to Dick Burt. I loved playing for her and Carol on their terrific duets. This family was a great blessing to Linda and me as we increased our own little family in Des Moines. Was in the Bechtel home too many times to recall. Thank you, Maxine, for being a wonderful part of our ministry journey. See you there when we join you with Jesus.