Velma Josephine McMurray
October 18, 2017
Velma Josephine McMurray was born to Trenton Henry Johnson and Janie Campbell Johnson on November 6, 1944 in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
She received the name Josephine in honor or her beloved Aunt Mollie Josephine Campbell, her mother’s older sister.
Velma Johnson joined the Second Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant and was active in church affairs, including Sunday School and the church choir. She attended the Mount Pleasant Community schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. She was well-liked by her classmates and was known for her deep dimples and distinctive laugh. In Junior High and High School she was known among her friends for having a fine collection of rhythm and blues records by artists such as Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Chuck Willis, the Dell Vikings, etc. She was also a member of the high school drill team.
After Velma graduated from Mount Pleasant Community High School in 1963, she married Anderson Jones of Ypsilanti, Michigan; and to this union was born a daughter, Cassandra Anne, who died in 2004.
After the marriage to Mr. Jones ended, Velma moved to Denver, Colorado where she started a new life. While in Denver she met and married Tommie McMurray. In this union she had two more children, Thomas Eugene, known as Tuffy, and Alicia Michelle, and known as Lisa.
Tommie and Velma relocated from Colorado back to Mount Pleasant where they lived a few years before moving to Des Moines.
While they were living in Des Moines the marriage came to an end, and in 1977 Velma married Lee Ellison by whom she had her youngest daughter, Damita Danielle.
After Mr. Ellison died in 2005 Velma remarried Tommie McMurray. They remained together until Mr. McMurray died in 2014.
While she lived in Des Moines, Velma was a member of the Christ Apostolic Temple and also sang in the church choir.
Velma was a generous, kind-hearted person who was devoted to her church and her family. She enjoyed watching NFL football and especially liked the Rams when they were in St. Louis. She also used to enjoy fishing, before health problems reduced her mobility.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Trenton and Janie Johnson; a brother, Clemeth Trenton Johnson; husbands Anderson Jones, Lee Ellison and Tommie McMurray; a daughter Cassandra Taylor; and granddaughters Deondra Moulds and LaTasha Wineland. She is survived by her brother Henry Laverne Johnson of Oakland, California; son Thomas Eugene McMurray; and daughters Alicia Michelle Smith and Damita Danielle Manning and husband Kevin Manning, all of Des Moines; step daughters Barbara Wise and Teresa Jones; grandchildren Onterio Taylor, LaKeisha Taylor, Quinten Taylor, Aaron Taylor, Marlin McMurray and wife Angel McMurray, Janeisha Smith, Robert Smith III, Andrea Smith, Damitra Harris, Destiny Manning, Kevonna Manning, and Cassandra (Cassie) McMurray along with a host of great grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. She also leaves behind many friends from her church community.
Whether we knew Velma as a sister, mother, grandmother or friend, we will miss her, but we can feel blessed that she was part of our lives. She will continue to live in our hearts.
May she rest in peace.
Rick Schenk
By chance I was trying to find any information about some childhood friends. I was looking to find LaVarne and instead ran across the info regarding Velmas passing. I was sorry to hear. I played with her and LaVerne growing up. While I hadnt seen Velma for over fifty years, I can still remember her laugh. I would sure like to know what became of LaVerne. He was so smart, I was sure he would have become a scientist or something like that. Their parents were the nicest people Ive met. Mr. Johnson was the school janitor and Mrs. Johnson took in Laundry for many families in Mt. Pleasant. She worked hard all day in a very hot condition. Could someone pass this to LaVerne?
Ricky Schenk
Danna Rodriquez (niece)
Aunt Velma you were like a mother to me. You and my mom were the real "Thelma and Louise." To not see that beautiful smile or hear that contagious laugh anymore will forever leave a major impact to many. It still doesn't feel real. I don't want it to be real. But it is. I miss you and love you dearly. But we all have peace in knowing your fight is over and you no longer are in pain. No more sorrow, no more heartache, no more troubles. You get to praise God for an eternity and rejoice how you made it over. Prayers for my cousins in this painful time. Prayers for my mother. You two always will be the wind beneath the other's wings. Just hurts so bad but I am looking forward to seeing you again soon day. I never imagined that I would be creating this message today...for my Aunt. It just hurts so bad. I miss you.
Patricia Rodriquez (Kathy, sis)
My beloved Nieces n Nephew, n greats...please .. know my heart is heavy with you! Yet by faith, she is asleep in JESUS, and when the. Trumpet sounds, the dead. In. Christ. Shall rise. First! & They that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them to meet them in the air! Oh what a day of rejoicing!!! The legacy she left, we all must strive to be Holy and upright!!! I've been blessed to have her in my life 47 and a half years... I'm here for you all, to pray, love, n point you to The. Faith" Love. Aunty. K.
Herbert Greasham
It has been a long journey. I recall when I was roughly 10yrs old how excited my brother and I were when the family (Tommy Sr, Velma, Cassandra, Tommy Jr, Lisa) visited on weekends. At the time the family seemed so faraway when in reality you were only in Parkhill. Still today, you are not faraway, family is forever in ones' heart. I will miss your calls, may you rest in peace. Your Brother-In-Law
So sorry for your loss,My thoughts&prayers are with the family.