Daniel Schultz
June 03, 2017
Daniel L. Schultz
Des Moines
Daniel L. Schultz, 31, passed away Saturday, June 3, 2017 at Taylor House Hospice from MDS (cancer). He was born April 16, 1986 to Terry and Barbara Schultz in Des Moines.
He graduated from East High School and worked at the Pizza Hut on Hubbell Avenue for 10 years. Dan was a talented artist, especially with acrylic paints. He will be remembered as being a great friend and good person and will truly be missed
Dan is survived by his mother, Barbara; sister, Kelly (Bryan Wilkins) Schultz; brother, Jacob Schultz; nephews, Anthony, Jaxon, and Kyson; niece, Zella; and many family and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Terry Schultz; and his grandparents.
A memorial service will be held at 12:00 p.m. Saturday, June 10, 2017 at Hamilton’s near Highland Memory Gardens, 121 NW 60th Avenue, Des Moines. Visitation will begin one hour prior to the service.
Online condolences may be expressed at:
Julie Jarmon
I just read about the recent death of Dan and I know Barbara and the Schultz family and loved ones have saddened hearts today. So I wanted to share beautiful scripture where our heavenly Father, Jehovah, (Psalm 83:18), promises us that he is going to do away with man's greatest enemy, death. Rev. 21: 4; "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Isaiah 33:24 guarantees us: "And no resident will say "I am sick," ever again. God's kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for at Matt. 6: 9, 10 will bring about these wonderful promises, including the resurrection. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, but we are all guaranteed a resurrection. (John 5:28, John 6:40, John 11:23-25) Also, Titus 1: 2 tells us this promise of a resurrection: "is based on a hope of the everlasting life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago." Isaiah 26:19 "Your dead will live......And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life." Isaiah 25:8 "He will swallow up death forever. For Jehovah himself has spoken it." Jehovah invites you to throw all your burdens on him and he will sustain you in your time of grief. It is my prayer this scripture will give you comfort in your grief. If you feel up to contacting me, my email address is: myranj@centurytel.net
The CNC Staff
We are very sorry for your loss. Stay strong and know that we keep your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Kevin Heckman
I'm so sorry for your loss. Dan was a talented young man who was quiet and fun to talk with. We keep one of his postcards in our workroom here at the hospital. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Kevin Heckman PA-C