Chai was a terrific guy. He always looked after his little sister making sure she got to school in the morning. He was well liked by his peers especially by the girls. Chai was planning to be a law enforcement officer and worked at Hy-Vee. He would have graduated from Hoover High school in 2018. His mother should be very proud of him.
RaShay Reasoner
My heartfelt apologies and condolences for the loss of your loved one! I wish the outcome had been drastically different! I feel like I failed your family, I am unable to attend due to work. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss! Please forgive me for not being able to do more for Chai.
Cousin John H. Shockley
I am so sorry for the loss of a fine young man. Please accept my deepest sympathy for Chai's mother, little sister, and my loving cousin Jack.
American mommy betty
My heart goes to the family.missing our chai guy very much..hoping time heals ur family.known to many missed by all.
Bob Harmon
Chai was a terrific guy. He always looked after his little sister making sure she got to school in the morning. He was well liked by his peers especially by the girls. Chai was planning to be a law enforcement officer and worked at Hy-Vee. He would have graduated from Hoover High school in 2018. His mother should be very proud of him.
RaShay Reasoner
My heartfelt apologies and condolences for the loss of your loved one! I wish the outcome had been drastically different! I feel like I failed your family, I am unable to attend due to work. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss! Please forgive me for not being able to do more for Chai.
Cousin John H. Shockley
I am so sorry for the loss of a fine young man. Please accept my deepest sympathy for Chai's mother, little sister, and my loving cousin Jack.
American mommy betty
My heart goes to the family.missing our chai guy very much..hoping time heals ur family.known to many missed by all.