Igor Shebarshov

September 25, 2010

Service Details

Igor Shebarshov, 47, was born on December 2, 1962 in Kolomna, Russia to Galina and Vasiliy Shebarshov. He grew up in Kolomna with his parents, sister Irina, and a large extended family. He later attended a university in Moscow and earned his master’s degree in Radio Engineering. While studying at the university he met Svetlana, it was love at first sight. They were married on March 23, 1985. In 1986 they moved back to Kolomna and started a family. Their son Vasiliy was born August 8, 1986.

From 1987 to 1993, Igor worked as an Electrical Engineer for the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant which manufactured train engines. In 1993 he began working for the Russian division of Compressor Controls Corporation as a Field Engineer and traveled extensively to Eastern Europe and the Middle East heading up pipeline projects. In 1996 CCC offered to move Igor and his family to the United States. They moved on August 10, 1996. Later, Igor headed the Product Support team for the Eastern European and Middle East regions. In 2004, he went to work at Continuous Control Solutions and later became Director of Systems Engineering.

Igor loved being in Des Moines where the family was reunited with extended family members that had moved here many before him. Many meals were shared at the family home. Igor was known for his shish kabobs and excelled in preparing many exotic dishes such as duck. He also loved making breakfast on Sunday mornings for “his sunshine”, Svetlana.

Igor had many different interests. He was adventurous, loved to travel, and loved the outdoors and nature. He and Vasiliy took many fishing trips with friends and family. Igor also loved gadgets and radio electronics. From the time he was a child, he was tearing things apart to see how they worked. It was never hard to buy gifts for him as he always had a list of wanted items because he was like a child in a candy store and his eyes would light up when he got a new gadget. Back in Russia he was Mr. Fix-It. Neighbors and friends always came to him for help and advice with their electronics. He also loved animals with a passion. His pet cats, Benji and Alissa were treated as his children and he babied and spoiled them rotten. Igor also enjoyed music and played the guitar. He most enjoyed listening to Russian bards.

He was a truly loyal friend with a big and loving heart. He was an open book, very determined, outgoing, and a natural leader. He believed in being on time and was always organized. He was stubborn, passionate, strong-willed, and liked to be in control of the situation because he always wanted what was best for others.

Igor always wanted a daughter, and on June 18, 2009 he witnessed the wedding of his son Vasiliy to Julia in Negril, Jamaica. He partook in the intimate wedding on the beach at sunset and celebrated the night away with joy in his heart. Later in April of 2010, the family traveled together to Costa Rica to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Igor and Svetlana.

Igor will continue to live on in the hearts and memories of his wife, children, friends and family members. He will never be forgotten and will never leave us. He will always be remembered with a smile and we love him deeply and always in our hearts.
