Charles C. Corwin
June 19, 2017
Charles C. Corwin, 76, passed away Monday, June 19, 2017 surrounded by family and dear friends. A friend said it best, "he admired and appreciated people of all walks of life and set the example of what all of us hope our legacy will someday be." He devoted his life to service to others and touched many lives.
Visitation will be held Friday, June 23, 2017 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Hamilton’s on Westown Parkway, 3601 Westown Parkway in West Des Moines, IA. Funeral services will be held Saturday, June 24 at 11:00 am at Central Presbyterian Church, 3829 Grand Avenue in Des Moines.
Chuck was born May 31, 1941 to Charles McMillan Corwin and Carol Smith. He was raised in Des Moines and graduated from Roosevelt High School and the University of Iowa (Go Hawks!). He enjoyed watching or listening to baseball, football and basketball, especially the Cubs, I-Cubs and the Iowa Hawkeyes.
He sold life, health and disability insurance from the time he graduated from college until his retirement, more than 50 years. He obtained the designation of CLU. During his career he worked for Connecticut General Life Insurance, Business Insurance Programs, Chuck Corwin Insurance and The Bryton Companies. He had such strong people skills it was hard to travel anywhere without running into someone Chuck knew. He was a member of the Society of Financial Service Professionals and the National and Iowa Health Underwriters. He was a sharp dresser with his colorful ties, bowties, and jackets. His glamorous flyaway silver hair on top his tall body could be spotted in a crowd.
Chuck lived life to the fullest – always searching for thrills and adventure surrounded by loving friends. There was no subject for which he didn’t have a joke, oftentimes groaners. Laughter of all forms and inspiration followed Chuck wherever he went. The gorilla mask, Chomp the gummy rat, and the flat cat were all family pranks. He always had a joke or a story at the tip of his tongue. His warm and welcoming smile lit up any room he walked into.
Bicycling was a passion for Chuck as evidenced by riding thirty RAGBRAIs with Team Wingtip. He was the organizer and housing procurer for the team and he never said no to a piece of pie! Another annual must-do tradition for Chuck was the Iowa State Fair. He enjoyed eating his way through the fair over many days, with the map of his favorite places to eat in his head. Family vacations were often planned around the newest roller coaster in the region. In addition, he had a soft spot for water parks! Younger Chuck was a competitive swimmer but even as recently as last summer you could find him soaking onlookers with his can openers off the diving board.
He was a selfless man and devoted much of his time to others. He was active in Northwest Rotary, the YMCA, AA, and Central Presbyterian Church. All these communities held an important place in Chuck’s heart and provided him with structure, support and life-long friends.
Chuck was a lover of music, an avid reader, and a curious learner. He could talk your ear off about history and genealogy. The internet kept him entertained with Amazon Prime and checking in on Facebook (even during church).
He was a role model for all who knew him but particularly for his children and grandchildren. He was a pillar of strength for all and was always able to provide sage and reflective advice without judgement. And when all else failed, he could always be counted on for a one-of-a-kind, comforting bear hug.
Chuck is survived by his wife of 32 years, Ellen; daughter, Jennifer (Robert) Trautvetter and children, Nathan and Charlotte; daughter, Caryn (Angie Wright) Corwin and children, Cybelle, Delilah and Azul; son, Terry Mitchell and children, Madeline and Clare; son, Robert (Beatriz) Mitchell and children, Nicolas and Sofia; his brother, William (Marilyn) Corwin; brother-in-law, Robert (Marcia) Morris; many nieces and nephews; and dear friends. Chuck was preceded in death by his parents and son, Scott.
Memorial contributions may be directed to the YMCA of Greater Des Moines, Iowa Lutheran Hospital or Central Presbyterian Church. Condolences may be expressed online at
Allie Ganoe
Sooo very sorry to hear of Chucks passing. I just found out yesterday. As someone told me of Mike Hustons passing. I am comforted to know the 2 of them are running the biggest and best AA meeting there is. God Bless.
Jackie Matt
My dear Ellen, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Though I know your deep faith, moments like this are still so tough! I was just so blessed to work so closely with both of you at the Y, Chuck chairing the endowment committee and you chairing the marketing committee. For years! The list for both of you goes on and on. I just can't express the impact Chuck had on my life. If I had a dime for all of the times he bound into my office after a spinning class still in his bright colored shirt and bike shorts to sit and discuss how to make the Y better. He was truly an incredible man, a mentor, friend, and a continual cheerleader to everyone he met. But by far my favorite memory is sitting up at chapel point next to you and Chuck on Holy Wednesday and listening to Chuck read the Bible. And then belt out "this is my Father's world." I will never ever ever forget those moments. His smile, his spirit, his faith, and his encouragement of others will never be forgotten! My thoughts and prayers are with you all!
Bob and Kathy Bray, Lenexa, Ks
Ellen and family, we are so very sorry for your loss. We have so many fond memories of Chuck and the thought of him brings a smile to our hearts. He was a good man. You will be in our prayers.
Michael Reilly
I know I speak for a lot of old Phi Delts when I say that we all will miss Chuck. My thoughts and prayers are with his entire family. Although many of us saw Chuck only occasionally over the years, none of us have forgotten the many enjoyable times we shared with him.
Dick and Phyllis Cacciatore
We are so sorry for your loss and regret that we are unable to attend the services. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Colleen Lange
To Ellen and family, my deepest sympathy to you. I so enjoyed Chuck in the Des Moines Community Education Tap Dancing class. During RAGBRAI, I always looked for the Team Wingtip support vehicle and, when I found Chuck, we'd perform a little "shuffle-ball-change" and "buffalo" in the streets. What a terrific guy who will be missed! May you have peace in this difficult time.
John Hale
To Ellen and Family: Chuck was a special man. While I was not able to share a long relationship with him, I was blessed to experience high quality! He was one of those people that you are so glad you got to meet, so pleased to have shared time with, and so privileged to have learned from. We should all be smiling because he was part of our lives. Thoughts, prayers and hugs.
Grace Sherer
Dear Ellen! I send my utmost sympathy and love! I know these are very busy days for you and your family...I hope this part of the road is not too bumpy. Peace. Grace
Sharon Simmons
Ellen my deepest sympathy to you and your family. My thoughts are with you.
David Gunderson
Chuck Corwin and Dwight James were the "bow tie guys" at AA meetings. Chuck was one of the first people I met in AA in early 1985. He agreed to be my sponsor and did the best anyone could. I appreciate his patience and sound advice. One of his comments that has stuck with me is "each day of sobriety means a checkmark in the "W" column. "
You were always a winner in my book my friend. I will miss you.
John Lowe
To The Corwin Family,
I am sorry for your loss.
chuck was a very nice gentle man.
We would greet each other very happily at church or at Casey' on 22nd St. in W.D.M. Sincerely,John Lowe
Kent Zimmerman
I along with many, many others are shocked at Chuck's passing. I can only imagine the devastation you must feel. You and Chuck were among the first people to welcome Anne and me when we arrived in DSM nearly 33 years ago.
We did the State Fair together. I will never forget those times when we would start our Friday chow down with a turkey leg, fries...and the strawberry shortcake, too.
And then there is Tap Des Moines. I can only imagine what kind of dance Chuck and Anne are doing now!
Bob Mitchell captured the essence of Chuck in his comment about the fact that he made us all better people with his acceptance and love of all those with whom he came in contact. Chuck was a true blessing to our humanity.
You've lost a loving husband, and we have all lost a wonderful and loyal friend.
Please know, we are here to help you through this time of shock, grief, reflection, and sadness. It takes time, and you never quite get over the loss...but I also know you will be lead to a brighter, but different tomorrow. What God does not protect you from, God perfects you through.
Blessings, peace, and love. Kent
Steve Matheson
I got to know Chuck very well as a friend and as a thoroughly reliable adviser in financial affairs. He wrote my first life insurance policy after my wife Sheri and I were married in 1968 and remained my adviser well into my moving to Tampa, FL 33 years ago. I would inevitably run into Chuck when I visited Des Moines and he always had a big smile on his face and a joke to tell. I will miss Chuck and extend my sincere sympathies to his family.
Pam Rees
Ellen and Family,
I, along with other tap dancers in Sue Hyland's adult education tap dancing for exercise class, first heard about Chuck's death at a rehearsal on Monday night. What a shock. He was much beloved and we will miss him! He enjoyed the class so much and we enjoyed him. We were always glad to see him at performances even when he was not dancing. Coincidentally, at the time of his funeral on Saturday, we will be tap dancing at the "other" art festival in the Varied Industries building at the state fairgrounds. Otherwise, many of us would be at his funeral. We will dance in his honor and memory.
Pam Rees
Kathy Brewer
My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family, Ellen. I was so saddened to read of Chuck's death. He provided me with so many great experiences while volunteering for the Y. His spirit and enthusiasm was unmatched. We will all miss him very much. God Bless.