Safe in the Arms of God - 6343x

SKU: 6343x
The death of a child is the most devastating experience parents can ever face. And a perplexing experience for their Christian friends and loved ones. But God has not left you alone with grief. In Safe in the Arms of God, John MacArthur highlights the Bible's many references to God's unfailing love for children and His assurance of their eternal safety. Using numerous real-life examples, this renowned and personable teacher uncovers a biblical perspective on such troubling questions as: Why did our child have to die? Will we see our child again? How can we cope with our overwhelming sorrow? What is the age of accountability? Do babies pay for the sins of their parents? Can infants and even the unborn experience salvation? What is heaven like for children? Throughout this book, Pastor MacArthur affirms this expectation: The Father delights in, and shows compassion to, His younger ones. "Every child conceived," he writes, "is a God-created and God-loved person with a God-given purpose and destiny." Therefore, God's love enfolds every child---from the first moment of life to the last. Hardback book. 175 pages