Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow

SKU: 100019
Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow. Finding light beyond the shadow of miscarriage or infant loss. by Teske Drake. If you're like me, you never expected to be reading a book about miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. You too lost a baby, and for that, I am so sorry. While I, in my humanness, can understand a taste of what you may be going through, having been there myself, the aim of this book is not to assert that I know just how you feel. Rather, the aim of this book is to point you to the One who understands fully and completely the suffering you are enduring: Jesus Christ. His Father knows the pain of each of our hearts as He willingly gave up His Son to die for our sins. I want to share His promises with you. He promises love, goodness, purpose, comfort, peace, refinement, restoration, hope, and eternity. You don't have to walk this path alone. Let's explore these promises together. Teske Soft cover. 140 pages.