Planning Forms
In an effort to simplify the funeral process, we have provided a system of convenient online forms. These documents assist you with the essential items to consider when making arrangements, including important legal documents and records, life information for writing an obituary and preferences regarding the disposition, any memorial gathering and various funeral products.
Step 1 Life Information:
This is where personal information is shared such as names of family and relatives, education details, occupation, military information if relevant, memberships, charities and other interesting lifetime facts. Once someone has died, this information is gathered and used to complete the obituary. By completing the Life Information section, you allow others to celebrate the deceased's life, accomplishments and the ones they loved.
Step 2 Planning a Service:
Here is where we collect details and preferences about the funeral service. This allows you to decide everyone involved and plan out the final celebration. If your decision is to have some type of memorial with burial, cremation or donation, you will need to decide the type and place of the ceremony and if it will be public or private. Ceremonies can be conducted at your church, the funeral home, the graveside, or many other public and private places.
Step 3 Statistics:
Here is where we collect details and preferences about the funeral service. This allows you to decide everyone involved and plan out the final celebration. If your decision is to have some type of memorial with burial, cremation or donation, you will need to decide the type and place of the ceremony and if it will be public or private. Ceremonies can be conducted at your church, the funeral home, the graveside, or many other public and private places