Grief Lending Library
An essential part of the Academy, the Kim Peterson Memorial Grief Lending Library houses an extensive collection of books and resources for all ages, available for check out.
Located at Hamilton’s on Westown Parkway (3601 Westown Parkway, West Des Moines), the library is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Use the below categories to assist with your search.
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anticipatory Grief
- Children and Terminal Illness
- Children's Books
- Death of a Child
- Death of a Partner
- Death of a Pet
- General Adult Grief
- Helping Teens and Children
- Professionals
- Spanish Language
- Sudden Death
- Teen Books
Advanced Search
Title | Author | Description | Category | Topics | Location |
Story for Hippo, A: a book about loss | Puttock, Simon and Alison Bartlett (scholastic Press, 2001) |
When his best friend Hippo, who is the oldest and sagest animal in the jungle, dies, Monkey is devastated and wonders what he will do without his friend who always told him stories and laughed at his jokes, in a touching book that shows young readers how to cope with loss. |
jF P | |
Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers: how to cope with losing someone you love | Grollman, Earl A. (Beacon Press, 1993) |
Simple, direct, “straight from the heart” information about what a teenager can expect from the grieving process. |
155.9 G | |
Sudden Loss Survival Guide, The | Hanson, Chelsea (Mango Publishing Group, 2020) |
After the sudden loss of her mother, Chelsea Hanson, a nationally-recognized grief educator and founder of With Sympathy Gifts and Keepsakes, didn’t know where to turn for help, what to do next, or how to put the pieces of her life back together. Hanson’s The Sudden Loss Survival Guide gathers everything that she learned during her own recovery process and provides an indispensable road map to aid those who’ve experienced a life-changing loss. |
155.9 H | |
Suicide After Sixty: the final alternative | Miller, Marv, Ph.D. (Springer Publishing Company, 1979) |
An introduction to the problem and prevention of geriatric suicide focuses on the elderly's sometimes suicidal reaction to severe physical illness, and pathological personal relationships. |
618.9 M | |
Suicide And Grief | Stone, Howard W. (Fortress Press, 1972) |
… promises to give those in the counseling field a fuller understanding of their work with suicide survivors. |
616.8 S | |
Suicide Survivors Club: Aidan | Phillips, Laurie (SSC Publishing, 2016) |
This book in a five-book set is Aidan’s story after the suicide death of his father Don, in 2002. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips. |
vf P | |
Suicide Survivors Club: Becky | Phillips, Laurie (SSC Publishing, 2016) |
This book in a five-book set is Becky’s story after the suicide death of her father Don, in 2002. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips. |
vf P | |
Suicide Survivors Club: Pattie | Phillips, Laurie (SSC Publishing, 2016) |
This book in a five-book set is Pattie’s story after the suicide death of her husband Don, in 2002. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips. |
vf P | |
Suicide Survivors Club: Will | Phillips, Laurie (SSC Publishing, 2016) |
This book in a five-book set is Will’s story after the suicide death of his father Don, in 2002. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips. |
vf P | |
Suicide Survivors: a guide for those left behind | Wrobleski, Adina (A. Wrobleski, 1994) |
A guide for those who have lost someone to suicide. Chapters cover dealing with other people, why suicide grief is different, emotions that come with suicide grief, relationships with others, and recovery. |
362.28 W | |
Suicide, Why? | Wrobleski, Adina (Afterwords, 1989) |
85 questions and answers about suicide. Includes biographical references. |
362.28 W | |
Sunflower Promise | Hemery, Kathleen Maresh (Centering Corporation, 2005) |
Ages 8-12. A chapter book that tells the story of Willow who loses his best friend and how he deals with the loss. |
jF H | |
Sunflowers and Rainbows for Tia: saying goodbye to Daddy | Alexander-Greene, Alesia (Centering Corporation, 1999) |
This story is about a child whose father dies at home. It follows the family from the night of the father's death through the days following the funeral. The feelings of the child and the events surrounding her father's death are realistically portrayed and caringly addressed. The illustrations are bright and colorful and the text is rich and descriptive. This is an excellent resource for families who are experiencing, or will soon experience, the death of a family member.' |
vf | |
Supporting Children And Teens Through Grief And Loss: a guide for parents | Center for Grieving Children, The (1999) |
A reader friendly guide to helping children. Includes: supporting grieving children and teens, signs of grief in children and teens, what you can do, teachable moments, and taking care of yourself. Information that will help parents and their grieving children. |
vf | |
Supporting Children And Teens Through Grief And Loss: a guide for schools | Center for Grieving Children, The (1999) |
A reader friendly guide to helping children. Includes: supporting grieving children and teens, signs of grief in children and teens, what you can do, teachable moments, and taking care of yourself. Information that will help schools when a death in the classroom occurs. |
vf | |
Surviving A Sibling: discovering life after loss | Mastley, Scott (2001) |
Includes personal experiences with sibling grief, survey results from bereaved parents and bereaved siblings, how to bridge the communication gap between parents and children, and dealing with unanswered questions. |
155.9 M | |
Surviving Grief…And Learning To Live Again | Sanders, Catherine M., Ph.D. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992) |
Offers the grieving person the support and understanding needed to get through the difficult journey of grief. Written by Dr. Catherine Sanders, a therapist and researcher specializing in bereavement issues and one who has lived through the loss of close family members. Helps the griever to see that what they are feelings is part of a natural process of readjustment and renewal. |
155.937 S | |
Surviving Infertility | Salzer, Linda (Harper Perennial, 1991) |
Offers individuals and couples a comprehensive guide for coping with the many intense feelings – anger, depression, fear, envy – that often emerge from the crisis of infertility. |
616.6 S | |
Surviving The Death Of A Child | Munday, John (Westminister John Knox Press, 1995) |
A story of faith and love told so that others may find comfort and understanding when faced with the most painful of all losses: the death of one's child. |
155.9 M | |
Surviving the Death of a Sibling: living through grief when an adult brother or sister dies | Wray, T.J. (Three Rivers Press, 2003) |
Helps adults who have lost a brother or sister to realize that they are not alone in their struggle. It teaches them to understand the unique stages of their grieving process, offering practical and prescriptive advice for dealing with each stage. |
155.9 W | |
Surviving The Folded Flag: parents of war share stories of coping, courage, and faith | Tainsh, Deborah H. (Elva Resa Publishing, 2006) |
This collection of more than twenty-five stories from Gold Star parents celebrates the lives of their sons who died in service and offers hope and advice for other families facing such a loss. Bonus essays from a casualty assistance officer and a former soldier give deeper insight into how wartime death affects comrades. |
956.7 T | |
Survivors Of Suicide | Cain, Albert C. (Charles C. Thomas, 1972) |
The papers included in this book speak of and for the survivors of suicide, of their torment and need for psychological assistance. |
155.9 C | |
Swallowed by a snake: The gift of maculine side of healing | Golden, Thomas R. (GH Publishing, 2000) |
A book for both men and women about the masculine side of healing from loss. Swallowed by a Snake is meant to be a map and a guide through the experience of loss. It will help you move through the pain of loss and into a place of healing and transformation. |
155.9 G | |
Swimming With Maya: a mother’s story | Vincent, Eleanor (Capital Books, 2004) |
A story about the unique and complicated relationship between mothers and daughters, and celebrates how that relationship continues to exist beyond the grave. Maya became an organ donor at the time of her death. The book chronicles a remarkable friendship between a grieving mother and the man who is alive because her daughter's heart beats in his chest. |
B979.4 V | |
Talk Before Sleep | Berg, Elizabeth (Dell Publishing, 1994) |
This is the story of Ruth. Of Ann. And of all of us who wonder what we’d say if we knew we didn’t have forever. The author writes about her experience losing a friend to breast cancer in a fictional way. |
F B | |
Talking About Death and Bereavement in School: how to help children age 4 to 11 to feel supported and understood | Chadwick, Ann (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012) |
This short, easy to read book offers simple but important advice and guidance for school teachers and staff on what to do when a child is grieving. It includes advice on explaining death to children, insights into how children may be feeling and how they may react, and ways in which they can be supported. The book also covers how bereavement can affect a child and how it can affect the whole school in the case of a death of a pupil or staff member. |
155.9 C | |
Talking About Divorce and Separation | Grollman, Earl A. (Centering Corporation, 2005) |
Explaining divorce and separation to children is difficult. This book gives helpful advice on how to talk about you and your spouse walking separate paths. Includes a storybook section for children and adults to read together. Following is a section for parents to use to open up communication between parent and child. |
306.89 G | |
Talking With Children About Loss: words, strategies, and wisdom to help children cope with death, divorce, and other difficult times | Trozzi, Maria (Perigee, 1999) |
Through stories and thoughtful analysis, Maria explains how to handle the difficult job of talking with children and adolescents about loss. Includes information about divorce, Death of a Pet, death of a family member, the disabling of a sibling and more. |
155.9 T | |
Taste Of Blackberries, A | Smith, Doris Buchanan (Crowell, 1973) |
Ages 8-12. A sensitive portrayal of a young boy’s attempt to understand and accept his best friend’s sudden death. |
jF S | |
Tear Soup | Schwiebert, Pat and Chuck DeKlyen (Grief Watch, 1999) |
Tear Soup gives you a glimpse into Grandy’s life as she blends different ingredients into her own grief process. Her tear soup will help to bring her comfort and ultimately help to fill the void in her life that was created by her loss. Following Grandy’s story you will find ‘cooking tips’ to use in dealing with grief: if you are the cook; if your friend is the cook; if a child is the cook; if you are a male chef; if there are two of you cooking. |
155.9 S | |
Techniques of Grief Therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved | Neimeyer, Robert A. (Routledge, 2012) |
Techniques of Grief Therapy is an indispensable guidebook to the most inventive and inspirational interventions in grief and bereavement counseling and therapy. Individually, each technique emphasizes creativity and practicality. |
616.89 N | |
Teen Grief Relief: parenting with understanding, support and guidance | Horsley, Heidi and Gloria, Ph.D. (Rainbow Books, Inc., 2007) |
Provides both parents and teens with the help they need. Shared are teen stories, feelings, techniques, references and resources for use in not only surviving but thriving after the painful loss of a family member or close friend. |
155.9 H | |
Teen Suicide: a book for friends, family and classmates | Kolehmainen, Janet (Lerner Publications Company, 1986) |
The facts about suicide, warning signs to watch for, and when and where to go for help. |
362.2 K | |
Teenagers Talk About Grief | Kolf, June Cerza (Baker Book House, 1990) |
Using true-life examples and a personal style, this book offers solid, compassionate help to grieving teenagers. The special problems associated with suicide are also discussed. |
155.9 K | |
Teens, Loss, and Grief: The Ultimate teen guide | Myers, Edward (Scarcrow press 2004) |
A self-help guide for teenagers who are struggling with bereavement and the emotional difficulties it presents. This book provides an overview of grief as a painful but normal process, offering insights from bereavement experts as well as practical suggestions for coping with loss, including accounts from teens. This book closes a gap in the available literature on grief and bereavement that has tended to focus on adults and younger children. It provides a warm, accessible resource that will reassure teen readers about the normality of grief, encourages their understanding of what happens during the grief process, and provides an indispensable resource guide. |
155.9 M | |
Tell Me, Papa: a family book for children's questions about death and funerals | Johnson, Joy and Marv (Highly Specialized Promotions, 1978) |
"Takes the great unknown of death and tells it as it is. Feelings hurt but feelings shared are feelings diminished." |
vf | |
Tenth Good Thing about Barney, The | Viorst, Judith (Athenmeum, 1984) |
Ages 3-19. In an attempt to overcome his grief, a boy tries to think of the ten best things about his dead cat. |
jF V | |
Terrible Thing Happened, A | Holmes, Margaret M.; afterward by Sasha J. Mudlaff (Magination Press, 2000) |
Ages 4-7. For children who have witnessed any kind of violent or traumatic episode. An afterward for parents and other caregivers offers extensive suggestions for helping traumatized children, including a list of other sources that focus on specific events. |
jF H | |
Thank You For Coming to Say Goodbye | Roberts, Janice & Joy Johnson (Centering Corporation, 1994) |
Children of all ages. Ways children can be told, introduced to funerals, say goodbye and express themselves. Stories of children and funerals are sprinkled throughout. Actual hands-on how-to's for orienting children to the funeral home and sections for parents, funeral directors, teachers and clergy. |
vf | |
The Great Big Sad | Fox, Christina |
It is a discipleship tool for parents and caregivers in helping children learn that people grieve in many different ways, how to talk about grief, ways to honor and remember a loved one, and how Jesus knows and understands their tears. |
jF F | |
The Grieving Brain | O'Connor, Mary-Francis |
A fascinating new window into what happens in our brain when we grieve, providing a new paradigm for understanding, love, loss, and learning. |
155.9 O | |
The Invisible Leash | Karst, Patrice |
Here is the very best news ever. When our pets aren't with us anymore, and Invisible Leash connects our hearts to each other. FOREVER. |
j813.6 K | |
The Wild Edge of Sorrow | Weller, Francis |
In this lyrical handbook for mastering the art of grieving, noted psychotherapist Francis Weller reveals the new vitality we encounter when we welcome, rather than fear, the pain of loss |
155.9 W | |
There Is A Rainbow Behind Every Dark Cloud | Celestial Arts (Celestial Arts, 1978) |
Eleven children share their experiences with terminal illness, especially the ways they helped each other cope with the prospects of their own death. |
j155.9 C | |
There Was a Baby… | Camerona, Laura (Words Worth Repeating, 2021) |
This book was created about fetal loss to help families have conversations with their children. |
jF C | |
They said it Wouldn't Hurt (but it really did) and I'm Still Fighting | Nelson, Abby (Abby Nelson, 2005) |
This story is written in love to all who have faced a challenge in life. Perhaps you have been afraid, or have had a bad day at school. Maybe you have lost a best friend or a loved one. You may be sick or hurt. This is a story for anyone who has ever endured pain or gone through struggles. It is a story about overcoming obstacles of life, especially illness. It offers hope; just as author Abby has her whole life while battling congenital heart defects, asthma and pulmonary hypertension. Abby’s Make A Wish was to publish a book and this is the result of that wish. |
jF N | |
Thin Ice | Buthman, David (Centering Corporation 1990) |
How parents can survive when more than one child dies. The author speaks of his experiences of going back to work, marriage and Jessica, the surviving big sister who was at home. |
155.9 B | |
Thirty-Six (36) Hour Day, The: A family guide to caring for people who have Alzheimer's Disease, related dementias, and memory loss | Macy, Nancy L. and Rabins, Peter V. (The John Hopkins University Press, 2011) |
An essential resource for families who love and care for people with Alzheimer disease. Whether a person has Alzheimer disease or another form of dementia, he or she will face a host of problems. The 36-Hour Day will help family members and caregivers address these challenges and simultaneously cope with their own emotions and needs. |
362.1 M | |
This Little While: for parents experiencing the death of a very small infant | Johnson, Joy & Dr. S.M. (Centering Corporation, 2000) |
For parents who have experienced the death of a stillborn baby or a very young infant. Gives suggestions on things a parent should consider for remembrances. |
vf | |
This Thing Called Grief: new understanding of loss | Ellis, Thomas M. (Syren Book Co., 2006) |
This book shows that although grief and pain may be changing you now, they have the potential to transform your life in a healing way. Ellis uses many real-life narratives of loss from his therapy practice to help illustrate various ways of grieving, and shows how you can learn from the experience of loss and make your way towards a place of healing transitions and a renewed sense of life. |
155.9 E | |
Three Out Of Four Wives | Lewis, Alfred Allan (Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1975) |
An angry expose - the result of hundreds of interviews and extensive research into the plight of The American widow. |
301.42 L | |
Thumpy's Story: a story of love and grief shared by Thumpy, the Bunny | Dodge, Nancy C. (Prairie Lark Press, 1986) |
"In a warm and sensitive way it (the book) will help children deal with the loss of a loved one." |
vf | |
Time for Everything, A: for kids who are missing someone they love | Anderson, Lisa Beth (International Bible Society, 2004) |
The words for this book were written long ago as a poem. The poem is now part of the Bible, called Ecclesiastes. It tells about the cycle of life. In the Bible, God says that he will change the pattern of good and bad that we see all around us. God can turn our sadness into dancing. He wants to give us a life that last forever, a life with him on a healed earth with no sickness, no crying and no death-ever! |
jF A | |
Time to Grieve, A | Fitzpatrick, Carol (Barbour and Company, 1995) |
Noted Christian author Carol Fitzpatrick describes not only the stages of grief but shares poignant examples from her own life and from the Bible on how to deal with this devastating emotion. |
242.4 F | |
Time To Grieve, A: meditations for healing after the death of a loved one | Staudacher, Carol (HarperSanFrancisco, 1994) |
This book accompanies the reader through the deep and prolonged grief that follows the death of a loved one. Written to connect with you wherever you are in your grieving process, these meditations are appropriate regardless of when your loved one died. |
155.9 S | |
Time to Live, A Time to Die, A: important concerns when death draws near | Ash, Beatrice M.A. (Augsburg Fortress, 1993) |
With warmth and compassion, the author highlights seven concerns that she has found to be important to people who are nearing life’s end. |
248.8 A | |
Time To Mourn, A Time To Dance: help for the losses in life, A | Metzgar, Margaret (Aid Association for Lutherans, 1995) |
Explores many types of significant losses which cause grief: death, divorce, unemployment, etc. Coping strategies which help lessen pain and promote healing. |
157 M | |
Time to Mourn, A: Judaism and the psychology of bereavement | Sprio, Jack D. (Bloch Publishing Company, 1967) |
Defines the socio-religious aspects concerning the dynamics of the process of mourning as it is revealed in modern psychiatric research, as well as the Jewish theological background relating to the concept of death. |
296 S | |
Timothy Duck | Blackburn, Lynn Bennett (Centering Corporation, 1987) |
Ages 4-9. Tender story of a duck (Timothy) who loves a boy. Timothy watches John get sick and die; learns about grief and goodbyes. |
vf | |
To Bloom Again | Van Weelden, Sheryl |
Sheryl Van Weelden speaks to those who are on their grief journey, or those supporting people on their grief journey. Within the pages of this book, she invites them to walk down that path with her. |
155.9 V | |
To Die with Style | McCoy, Marjorie Casbier (Abingdon Press, 1974) |
Deals with the need to be aware of our natural fear of death, our anxiety, our will to live and the foretastes of death in the midst of life. |
155.9 M | |
Tracks of a Fellow Struggler: living and growing through grief | Claypool, John (Insight Press, 1995) |
This book is the story of Claypool's own journey through the darkness, written through four sermons. The first was delivered just eleven days after his eight year old daughter's diagnosis of leukemia, the second after her first major relapse nine months later, and the third weeks after her death. The final sermon - reflection on the process of grieving - was preached three years later. |
248.8 C | |
Trauma And Recovery | Herman, Judith, M.D. (Basic Books, 1997) |
“Bridging the worlds of war veterans, prisoners of war, battered women and incest victims, Herman presents a compelling analysis of trauma and the process of healing.” |
616.85 H | |
Travel Guide to Heaven, A | DeStefano, Anthony (Doubleday, 2003) |
Combining the clarity and logic of C. S. Lewis with a terrific sense of fun and adventure, DeStefano creates a brilliant, reassuring portrait of heaven, a place that has intrigued and puzzled humankind throughout history. |
236.24 D | |
Turned Upside Down: A flip book - turning upside down right side up… by connecting with the other side | Tache, Teana (New Leaf Distributing Company, 2013) |
It has been written as a conversation between a child and their loved one, designed as a memory keepsake and amazingly illustrated to encourage light, love and forever memories. Turned Upside Down opens conversations with children and adults, allowing them to process, understand and embrace the loss of their very special someone. Share the gift of connecting with the other side. |
jF T | |
Twentieth Century Faith: hope And survival | Mead, Margaret (Harper and Row, Publishers, 1972) |
Religious Perspectives represents a quest for the rediscovery of man. It constitutes an effort to define man's search for the essence of being in order that he may have a knowledge of goals. It is an endeavor to show that there is no possibility of achieving an understanding of man's total nature on the basis of phenomena known by the analytical method alone. |
200 M | |
Understanding Grief: it’s roots, dynamics, and treatment | Jackson, Edgar N. (Abingdon Press, 1957) |
Readers will find a perceptive history of man's reaction to death and practical methods of counseling which can restore the grief-stricken to a useful life. |
157 J | |
Understanding Loneliness | Jackson, Edgar N. (SCM Press Ltd., 1980) |
Dr. Jackson has written in a way which will being real help, insight and improvement even to situations which have seemed hopeless. |
157 J | |
Understanding Your Grief after a Drug-Overdose Death | Wolfelt, Alan D. (Companion Press, 2020) |
Loss is always hard, but when someone you love dies of an accidental drug overdose, the grief that follows can be especially painful and challenging.In this compassionate guide, Dr. Alan Wolfelt shares the most important lessons he has learned from loved ones who've picked up the pieces in the aftermath of a drug overdose. |
155.9 W | |
Understanding Your Grief Support Group Guide: Starting and Leading a Bereavement Support Group | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Books, 2003) |
A support group guide that goes along with the "Understanding your Grief: ten essential touchstones for finding hope and healing your heart" book. |
155.9 W | |
Understanding Your Grief: ten essential touchstones for finding hope and healing your heart | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Books, 2003, second ed., 2021 ) |
Explains the important difference between grief and mourning and explores the mourner's need to acknowledge the death and embrace the pain of the loss. This important book also explores the many factors that make each person's grief unique and the myriad of normal thoughts and feelings the mourner might have. Questions of spirituality and religion are addressed. |
155.9 W | |
Unspoken Grief: coping with childhood sibling loss | Rosen, Helen (Lexington Books, 1986) |
An overview of the basic issues; children's comprehension of death, the phenomenon of childhood bereavement, and parental loss. |
155.9 R | |
Until Tomorrow Comes | Kelly, Orville E. (Everett House, 1979) |
Contains all that Mr. Kelly has learned about cancer and how to live with it. The author is founder and president of the national organization "Make Today Count." |
362.1 K | |
Using Grief To Grow: A primer | Hartnett, Johnette (Good Mourning, South Burlington, VT. 1993) |
Answers to common questions of those trying to support bereaved friends. Descriptions of the most common symptoms and stages based on the most current research on grief. |
155.9 H | |
Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die | Kessler, David (Hay House Publishers, 2010) |
In the tapestry of life and death, we may begin to see connections to the past that we missed in life. While death may look like a loss to the living, the last hours of a dying person may be filled with fullness rather than emptiness. In this fascinating book, Kessler brings us stunning stories from the bedsides of the dying that will educate, enlighten, and comfort us all. |
155.9 K | |
Voices of Death | Shneidman, Edwin (Harper and Row, Publishers, 1980) |
Will help find guidelines both to increase the psychological comfort of our own dying and to enhance our understanding of loved ones who may be dying. |
155.9 S | |
Voices of Strength: Sons and Daughters of Suicide Speak Out | Fox, Judy Zionts and Mia Roldan (New Horizon Press, 2009) |
Voices of Strength helps survivors make sense of life's least understandable act and shows them how to heal by focusing on comfort, memories, recovery, and hopes for a productive future. |
362.28 F | |
Waiting With Gabriel | Kuebelbeck, Amy (Loyola Press, 2003) |
For parents who have lost an infant child. The author shares the story of the brief life of her son who is born with a rare heart defect. Stresses the importance of recognizing grace and beauty in the here and now. |
155.9 K | |
Walking Through the Fire | Lee, Laurel (Bantam Books, 1978) |
At thirty, Laurel Lee discovered she had Hodgkin’s disease – an agonizing illness that could take her life and her baby’s as well. Refusing to give up, she learned to overcome the pain with humor and faith, and began to write this remarkable journal of her feelings and experience. |
B L | |
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering | Keller, Timothy (Penguin Group, 2013) |
The question of why God would allow pain and suffering has vexed believers and nonbelievers forever. Keller takes on this enduring issue and shows that there is meaning and reason behind pain and suffering, making a case that this essential part of the human experience can truly be overcome only by understanding our relationship with God. |
248.8 K | |
Walking With Grief: a healing journey | Geertz, Nanette (Healthsigns Center, Inc., 2004) |
This prose poem shows how the author dealt with her teenage daughter’s unexpected death. A collaboration of art and poetry. |
808.81 G | |
Warming Of Winter, The | Jensen, Maxine Dowd (Abingdon, 1977) |
The author gives advice, inspiration, and constructive suggestions for dealing with the problems of widowhood. |
301.42 J | |
Waterbugs and Dragonflies: explaining death to young children | Pilgrim Press Resource, A -2004 |
A tender tale of death and new life, this mini-book uses the symbol of one waterbug, climbing a stalk to turn into a dragonfly, never to return. Used in Sunday Schools. Christian perspective. |
vf | |
Waving Goodbye - An Activities Manuel | The Dougy Center (1992, 2004) |
Activities promote healing when they are offered freely and when the children and teens can choose their level of participation. Activities don't heal; they create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and safety, which allows the child and teen to work through the healing process. The goal of these activities is to promote the sharing of feelings, to normalize the grief experience and to encourage peer support. |
155.9 D | |
We Are But A Moment’s Sunlight: understanding death | Adler, Charles, M.D., et.al. ed. (Pocket Books, 1976) |
Helps give a renewed awareness that death is a vital fact of life. The more than fifty literary selections face death with simplicity, dignity, honesty, and humor. |
128.5 A | |
Weird is Normal, When Teenagers Grieve | Wheeler, Jenny Lee (Quality of Life Publishing, 2010) |
Teens grieve differently from adults and often get lost in the shuffle after the death of a loved one. Weird Is Normal When Teenagers Grieve is unique because it is a self-help book for grieving teens written by an actively grieving teen. Author Jenny Lee Wheeler lost her father to cancer when she was fourteen and validates for her peers that they have the right to grieve in their own way and according to their own timetable, that their grief attacks might be different from those of adults around them, and that they aren't going crazy if they see signs from their loved one. |
155.9 W | |
Welcome to the Grief Club, because you don't have to go through it alone | Kwoh, Janine |
Explores all the surprising, confusing, brutal, funny, and downright bizarre facets of grief. |
155.9 K | |
What About Me?: when brothers and sisters get sick | Peterkin, Allan, M.D. (Magination Press, 1992) |
Ages 4-8. This question lies at the heart of this poignant story, as a young girl attempts to cope with her brother's being ill. Deals with the many complicated feelings the well child experiences. |
j618.92 P | |
What Can I Do? | Lowry, Danielle (Magination Press, 2001) |
Ages 8-12. A young girl tries everything she can think of to keep her parents from getting a divorce, but with the help of a school counselor she comes to realize that the divorce is not her fault. |
jF L | |
What Can I Say? How To Talk To People In Grief | Miller, Roger F. (CBP Press, 1989) |
Drawing on personal experience as a grieving person and as a pastor, Miller gives a practical guide for the conscientious friend of those who grieve. |
155.9 M | |
What Does Dead Mean: a book for young children to help explain death and dying | Jay, Caroline and Jenni Thomas, OBE (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012) |
Suitable for children aged 4+, this is an ideal book for parents and caregivers to read with their children, as well as teachers, therapists and counsellors working with young children. This book guides children gently through 17 of the 'big' questions they often ask about death and dying. |
155.9 J | |
What does Grief Feel Like? | Leigh, Korie |
Shares the many ways people can grieve when a loved one dies and validates children's unique grief experiences. |
jF L | |
What Does That Mean? | Smith, Harold Ivan and Joy Johnson (Centering Corporation, 2006) |
A dictionary of death, dying, and grieving terms for grieving children and those who love them. Gives parents suggestions on how to talk with children about death and dying. |
jREF | |
What Dying People Want: practical wisdom for the end of life | Kuhl, David M.D. (PublicAffairs, 2002) |
Heart-wrenching personal stories are intertwined with practical suggestions, and specific instances are frequently used to illustrate techniques, processes, and the importance of telling your story, rather than assuming your family already knows it. Kuhl focuses particularly on coming to terms with one's past. Discussions of family histories, lifelong priorities, and difficult choices are emphasized as tools for making peace among family members and with one's own conscience. |
155.9 K | |
What Happened to Daddy's Body? | Barber, Elke and Alex Barber (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2020) |
This picture book aims to help children aged 3+ to understand what happens to the body after someone has died. |
jF B | |
What to do When the Police Leave: a guide to the first days of traumatic loss | Jenkins, Bill (Quality Books Inc., 2001) |
Offers authoritative and invaluable advice, guidance, and resources for families dealing with the traumatic loss of a family member or friend. New to this edition are sections on crime scene cleanup, unsolved cases, and grief in the workplace. |
155.9 J | |
What Will Help Me? / How Can I Help? | Miller, James E. (Willowgreen Publishing, 1994) |
Two books in one. Twelve suggestions for someone coping with grief and loss, and twelve suggestions for helping someone who has suffered a loss. |
155.9 M | |
What You Should Know About Suicide | Blackburn, Bill (Word Books, 1982) |
Provides guidance to fight this tragic trend, informing both the concerned layman and the professional counselor. |
616.85 B | |
What’s Heaven? | Shriver, Maria (St. Martin’s Press, 1999) |
Ages 5-9. The story of Kate, a little girl whose great-grandma has just died. She seeks answers, and her mother helps her learn about heaven. |
jF S | |
When a Child Dies From Drugs: Practical Help for Parents in Bereavement | Wittberger, Patricia and Russ Wittberger (Xlibris Corporation, 2004) |
Written by parents to help other parents who are experiencing the ultimate tragedy of their child's death from drugs or alcohol - parents who find themselves isolated in a fathomless dark void wondering whether they will ever resurface into the real world again. This book offers strength, practical advice and an aid in grief recovery for parents and families, gleaned not only from personal experiences but also from meeting with many parents. |
155.9 W |