Grief Lending Library
An essential part of the Academy, the Kim Peterson Memorial Grief Lending Library houses an extensive collection of books and resources for all ages, available for check out.
Located at Hamilton’s on Westown Parkway (3601 Westown Parkway, West Des Moines), the library is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Use the below categories to assist with your search.
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anticipatory Grief
- Children and Terminal Illness
- Children's Books
- Death of a Child
- Death of a Partner
- Death of a Pet
- General Adult Grief
- Helping Teens and Children
- Professionals
- Spanish Language
- Sudden Death
- Teen Books
Advanced Search
Title | Author | Description | Category | Topics | Location |
One Wave at a Time | Thompson, Holly |
When someone we love dies, emotions come and go in waves.... |
j813.6 T | |
Option B: facing adversity, building resilience, and finding joy | Sandberg, Sheryl and Grant, Adam (Alfred A. Knopf, 2017) |
After the sudden death of her husband, Sheryl Sandberg felt certain that she and her children would never feel pure joy again. Her friend Adam Grant, a psychologist at Wharton, told her there are concrete steps people can take to recover and rebound from life-shattering experiences. We are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. It is a muscle that everyone can build. |
155.9 S | |
Other Side of Sadness, The | Bonanno, George A. (Basic Books, 2009) |
A leading expert in the field of emotions research challenges the conventional model of the 'Five Stages of Grief' offering fascinating new insights on the bereavement process and the ways in which we find positive meaning in loss. |
155.9 B | |
Our Heaven Baby | Vis, Leah (Three Horse Publishing, 2018) |
"A story that gently talks about miscarriage while also embracing the hope and wonder of Heaven from a child's perspective." |
jF V | |
Our Life With Caleb | Massanari, Jared and Alice (Fortress Press, 1976) |
The authors share the impact of Caleb’s life and affirm that life includes the inevitability of death rather than denies it. Here the gift of life is measured not in length but in depth. |
B M | |
Ours, Biblical Comfort for Men Grieving Miscarriage | Schumacher, Eric (The Good Book Company, 2022) |
The author writes with sympathy and compassion as someone who has experienced the grief of multiple pregnancy losses making this book a great way to reach out to men who are suffering in this way. There is also space for journaling. |
242.4 S | |
Out Came the Sun: Helping children as they grieve | Children's Bereavement Center of South Texas (2017) |
Are you looking for ways to better understand the impact of the loss – and how to help? This booklet was written specifically for surviving adults, such as family members, caregivers, and close friends. It might also be of interest to teachers, counselors, clergy, healthcare professionals, and others who work with young people and, most importantly, care about them |
vf | |
Out Of The Ashes | McDonald, Patrick and Claudette M. McDonald (Paulist Press, 1997) |
Losses come and go, and sometimes, in their aftermath, it feels that everything else is gone. The McDonalds guide the reader through five processes in order to cope, transition and confront new transitions throughout one’s life. |
248.8 M | |
Parenting the Suicide Survivors Club | Anderson, Rebecca (SSC Publishing, 2016) |
In this hopeful five-book set, a mother and her three children ages 5, 7 and 19 share their story after the suicide death of husband and father Don, in 2002. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips |
vf A | |
Parenting While Grieving: A survival guide | What's Your Grief? |
As a parent, you don't have the luxury of worrying only about yourself and your emotional well-being. It is your job, in good times and bad, to attend to the needs of your child as well as your own. Putting your child's needs first is a no-brainer, so when something bad happens, it feels natural to put your own on the back burner.The purpose is to help parents who are dealing with their own grief balance their needs with the needs of the children in their care. |
vf | |
Parting Is Not Goodbye | Osmont, Kelly (Nobility Press, 1986) |
Tells of the unique relationship between the author and her son who was killed in an accident. |
155.9 O | |
Passing On: the social organization of dying | Sudnow, David (Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967) |
Explores dying and death as they concern the staff members of two large hospitals. |
616.07 S | |
Paula | Allende, Isabel (Harper Perenial, 1994) |
When Isabel Allende’s daughter, Paula, became gravely ill and fell into a coma, the author began to write the story of her family for her unconscious child. A powerful autobiography who straightforward acceptance of the magical and spiritual worlds will remind readers of her first book, The House of the Spirits. |
863 A | |
Peer Counseling: in-depth look at training peer helpers | Gray, Dean and Judith A., Tindall (Accelerated Development, 1985) |
Intended for those interested professionals such as teachers, counselors, ministers, religious educators, social workers and others in the helping professions. |
158 G | |
Perfect Stranger’s Guide To Funerals And Grieving Practices, The | Matlins, Stuart M. (SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2000) |
The handbook for how to respond in an appropriate way when someone dies – no matter what their faith or denomination. The book covers all major and many minor denominations and religious found in North America. |
395.2 M | |
Perspectives on Death | Mills, Liston O., ed. (Abingdon Press, 1969) |
A team of scholars surveys, assesses, and interprets the available material |
393 M | |
Perversion of virtue: Understanding Murder-Sucide | Joiner, Thomas (Oxford University Press, 2014) |
Joiner explores the nature of murder-suicide and offers a unique new theory to explain this nearly unexplainable act: that murder-suicides always involve the wrongheaded invocation of one of four interpersonal virtues: mercy, justice, duty, and glory. This book seeks to make sense of one of the most difficult-to-comprehend types of violence in modern society, shedding new light that will ultimately lead to better understanding and even prevention. |
362.28 J | |
Pet Loss: A Thoughtful Guide for Adults and Children | Nieburg, Herbert and Arlene Fischer (Harper Perennial, 1992) |
A practical guide and an emotional support for adults and children who have had a pet die. |
155.9 N | |
Pet Parents: A Journey Through Unconditional Love and Grief | Ellis, Coleen (iUniverse Publishing, 2011) |
To help pet parents everywhere, she opened the first standalone pet funeral home in the United States in Indianapolis. In this guidebook, she helps pet parents, veterinarians, death-care professionals and others celebrate the special bonds we share with our animal companions. |
B E | |
Please Come Home | Sanford, Doris (Multnomah Press, 1985) |
For children ages 4 and up. A book about divorce, and learning, and growing. Includes helpful suggestions for parents and caregivers. |
jF S | |
Please See My Need | Davis, A. Jann (Satellite Books, 1981) |
Poetry that expresses the needs and feelings of children, the elderly, and those who are ill, dying or mourning a death. |
808.81 D | |
Poems of Praise and Meditations: Volume II | Veach, Arthur E. (1978) |
Scripture based poems under the headings of; God's Creation, God's Children, God's Guidance, God's Gifts, and God's Victory. |
vf | |
Portraits 9/11/01: the collected portraits of grief from the New York Times | Correspondents of the New York Times (Times Books/Henry Holt, 2003) |
Soon after the horrific events of September 11, newsroom staffers at The New York Times began to ask about the real people, the names and faces behind the unimaginable statistics. Their efforts, which grew into the daily "Portraits of Grief" feature, gathered force over the ensuing weeks and eventually became a cultural phenomenon on a national scale. Portraits: 9/11/01 brings together all the poignant memories and reminiscences, and stands as a lasting tribute to these beloved souls. |
B974.7 C | |
Power To Prevent Suicide, The: a guide for teens helping teens | Nelson, Richard E., Ph.D. (Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 2006) |
Grades 6+. Spells out the warning signs, guides teens through the steps of reaching out to a friend, and explains when and how to seek help. It also suggests ways for teens to help themselves when they are feeling stressed or depressed. |
362.2 N | |
Praying Our Goodbyes: a spiritual companion through life’s losses and sorrows | Rupp, Joyce, O.S.M. (ave maria press, 2009) |
Everyone has unique goodbyes – times of losing someone or something that has given life meaning and value. With the touch of a poet, Joyce Rupp offers her wisdom on “these experiences of leaving behind and moving on, the stories of union and separation that are written in all our hearts. |
248.8 R | |
Prediction Of Suicide, The | Beck, Aaron T., Harvey L.P. / Resnik, Dan J. Lettieri, ed. (Charles Press Publishers, 1986) |
Selected papers from a conference convened Oct. 1971 in Philadelphia by the Dept. of Psychiatry of the University of Pennsylvania and sponsored by the Center for Studies of Suicide Prevention of the National Institute of Mental Health. |
362.2 B | |
Preparing the Children: information and ideas for families facing terminal illness and death | Nussbaum, Kathy (Kathy Nussbaum, 1998) |
Information children need to know during the illness, during the death, and what children need to heal from their loss. Information how children can express themselves, learn about integrating death into their lives and search for new meaning. |
616.9 N | |
Preventing Adolescent Suicide | Capuzzi, Dave and Larry Golden (Accelerated Development, Inc., 1988) |
"This book comes to grips with adolescent suicide." |
363.2 C | |
Preventing Teenage Suicide: the living alternative handbook | Joan, Polly (Human Sciences Press, Inc., 1986) |
A program model for guiding adolescents in ways to understand and cope with depression and/or suicidal feelings. |
616.85 J | |
Private Worlds of Dying Children, The | Bluebond-Langner, Myra (Princeton University Press, 1978) |
Analyzes the behavior of leukemic children aged 3-9 |
616.9 B | |
Proceedings: death and attitudes toward death | Day, Stacey B., M.D., Ph.D., D. Sc., ed. (Bell Museum of Pathology, 1972) |
A transcript of discussions which took place at a symposium. |
616.07 D | |
Purple Balloon, The | Raschka, Chris (Schwartz and Wade Books, 2007) |
Ages 5-12. Crafted for terminally ill and/or grieving children. Tool for opening discussion on the impending death of a young person. |
jF R | |
Quest: the life of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross | Gill, Derek (Harper and Row, Publishers, 1980) |
The life story of the woman whose mission is to teach us how to confront our fear of death, so that we may know better how to live. |
B K | |
Questions And Answers On Death And Dying | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth (Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974) |
Sequel to On Death and Dying; consists of the most frequently asked questions and Dr. Kubler-Ross's answers. |
616 K | |
Quilt for Elizabeth, A | Tiffault, Benette W. (Centering Corporation, 1992) |
Ages 8+. Elizabeth makes a memory quilt out of scraps of her father's clothes. |
vf | |
Rabbit Listened, The | Doerrfeld, Cori (Dial Books For Young Readers, 2018) |
When something sad happens, Taylor doesn't know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to act, and one by one they fail to offer comfort. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen . . . which is just what Taylor needs. |
jF D | |
Ragtail Remembers | Duckworth, Liz (Centering Corporation, 2003) |
Ragtail, a young mouse, has just experienced the death of his best friend. As he tries to understand what has happened, Ragtail is swept by confusing feelings of denial, anger and sadness. With the help of a new friend, he learns to deal with his feelings and soon discovers the comfort that comes from remembering. |
vf | |
Rainbow Feelings of Cancer, The | Martin, Carrie and Chia (Hohm Press, 2001) |
Ages 4 and up. A book for children who have a loved one with cancer. This book encourages conversation between children and those who love them. |
j362 M | |
Rare Bird: a Memoir of Loss and Love | Whiston-Donaldson, Anna (Convergent Books, 2014) |
In Rare Bird, Anna Whiston-Donaldson unfolds a mother’s story of loss that leads, in time, to enduring hope. This is a book about facing impossible circumstances and desperately wishing you could turn back the clock. It is about discovering that you’re braver than you think. It is about the flicker of hope and the realization that in times of heartbreak, God is closer than your own skin. |
B W | |
Raw Survival | Rozga, Jan (Resource Publications, 2021) |
Has your world been shattered by grief? Is pain pulling you under the waves of despair and threatening to hold you there? Take heart; rescue is possible. Hope is possible. Whether you’re grieving the loss of an infant child, grown child, spouse, or elderly parent, Raw Survival is for you. |
155.9 R | |
Real Men Do Cry | Hipple, Eric (Quality of Life Publishing Co., 2008) |
A quarterback’s inspiring story of tackling depression and surviving suicide loss. |
616.89 H | |
Realization of Death, The: a guide for the psychological autopsy | Weisman, Avery D., M.D. (Jason Aronson, 1974) |
The first book ever to systematically expound the piece-by-piece reconstruction and synthesis of events surrounding the terminal phase of life. |
616 W | |
Red, White, and Whole | LaRocca, Rajani (Quill Tree Books, 2021) |
A heartbreakingly hopeful novel in verse about an Indian American girl whose life is turned upside down when her mother is diagnosed with leukemia. |
jF L | |
Reflections On Life After Life | Moody, Raymond A., Jr., M.D. (Bantam/Mockingbird Books, 1977) |
A sequel to Dr. Moody's book, Life After Life. He has now interviewed hundreds more men and women who were close to death or actually pronounced dead. |
236 M | |
Rejoicing in Lament: Wrestling with incurable cancer and life in Christ | Billings, J. Todd (Brazos Press, 2015) |
At 39, theologian Billings was diagnosed with incurable cancer. The questions were acute: Why me? Why now? Where is God in all of this? This eloquently written book shares Billing’s journey and reflections on providence, lament, and life in Christ in light of illness. |
248.8 B | |
Religion and Bereavement: counsel for the physician, advice for the bereaved, thoughts for the clergyman | Kutscher, Austin H., ed. (Health Sciences Publishing Corporation, 1972) |
A rich store of wisdom to help man face his own death bravely, and to aid his loved ones to work through their bereavement to continued meaningful life. |
242.4 K | |
Remember Balloons, The | Oliveros, Jessie (Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2018) |
This tender, sensitive picture book gently explains the memory loss associated with aging and diseases such as Alzheimer’s. |
jF O | |
Remember Rafferty | Johnson, Joy (Centering Corporation, 1991) |
Ages 6-96. About the unique grief felt by children when a pet dies. |
vf | |
Remember the Butterflies | Hines, Anna Grossnickle (Dutton Children's Books, 1991) |
Ages 3 and up. When grandpa dies, Holly and Glen remember the special times they had together—gardening, reading and learning about butterflies. |
jF H | |
Remember the Secret | Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth (Celestial Arts, 1982) |
Ages 6-12. Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her best friend's death. |
jF K | |
Remembering Alexis: finding perspective in love and loss | Rhyne, Margaret Marshall (Strider International, LLC, 2009) |
When Alexis dies mysteriously on a cold, January morning, her mother Margaret is expected to accept Alexis’s death and her own complicated life without answers. Instead, she begins to search for a perspective that would give her peace to accept the loss of the child who was part of her soul and the courage to believe in tomorrow. A powerful book for any parent of an exceptional child. |
155.9 R | |
Remembering The Death Of A Child: support and healing, hope and inspiration | Thompson, Robert R., M.D. (Sugarloaf, 2002) |
If you, or someone you know, has experienced the death of a child, this book can help you: Find where to turn for help. Support someone who has lost a child. Accommodate to the death of a child and keep on living. Find peace and comfort without forgetting. |
155.9 T | |
Remembering With Love: messages of hope for the first year of grieving and beyond | LeVang, Elizabeth and Sherokee Ilse (Fairview Press, 2003) |
Offers compassion, comfort, support and guidance during the lonely and painful times of grief. Over 300 entries, including quotes from people who have coped with their own losses, remind you that you are not alone and that you can and will survive. |
242.4 L | |
Remembering You | Blackistone, Mick (Centering Corporation, 2008) |
57 short essays, each with an evocative black-and-white photograph, each spoken by a different unidentified mourner, relating treasured or regretted moments with a lost loved one. For example, Gone 2 the Dogs describes the comfort brought by an ever-increasing canine family one of whom, "Tucker, that big ol' yellow Lab sleeping on the couch," may just be the dog of mine you wanted to come back as. |
155.9 B | |
Renewing Your Spirit: a guide for holidays and special days | Williams, Sherry (New Leaf Resources, 2006) |
Provides practical advice on understanding and coping with grief during the many holidays and special days throughout the year. There are several interactive pages that allow the griever to create new holiday traditions. |
155.9 W | |
Restore My Soul: a grief companion | Peterson, Lorraine (NavPress, 2000) |
A guide for facing and understanding feelings and for thinking through new ways to cope with life in the after-math of loss. The 31 short, easy-to-read chapters compassionately address some of the most pressing questions and issues facing someone who has recently experienced a deep loss. Each chapter contains a brief reflection on an issue of loss, followed by carefully selected Scripture readings and a suggested prayer. |
242.4 P | |
Rhythm Of The Seasons: a journey beyond loss | Adams, Marilyn with Mary Kay Shanley (Sta-Kris Inc., 1997) |
In this heartfelt book Marilyn Adams shares the loss of her 11-year-old son in a farm incident as well as the process and tremendous growth she experienced to find meaning and purpose today. |
155.9 A | |
Right now, I Am Fine | Owen, Daniela Dr. (Puppy Dogs and Ice Cream, Inc. 2020) |
A mindfully written self-help guide to aid children in dealing with stress and anxiety by uncovering their emotions and following a simple calming routine. |
j155.4 O | |
Roses in December: comfort for the grieving heart | Heavilin, Marilyn (Harvest House, 1997) |
This book shows how God provides roses--special occasions, people, and memories--to help us through sorrow. Drawing from the loss of her children (crib death, pneumonia, drunk driver collision) Heavilin will help you understand the grieving process, support family members, give insight into sibling grief, and maintain your marriage during this difficult time. |
248.8 H | |
Saddest Time, The | Simon, Norma (Albert Whitman and Company, 1986) |
Ages 6-10. Explains death as the inevitable end of life and provides three situations in which children experience powerful emotions when someone close has died. |
j155.9 S | |
Safe In The Arms Of God: truth from heaven about the death of a child | MacArthur, John (Nelson, 2003) |
What happens to children – those unborn, stillborn, or youngsters – when they die? Can you hope to see them again? Can you let go of your fear and guilt? Can God’s love soothe a wound so jagged? With Scriptural authority and the warmth of a pastor’s heart, John MacArthur examines the breadth of the entire bible and reveals in this compelling book that the Heavenly Father’s care for every life. |
248.8 M | |
Sam’s Dad Died: a child’s book of hope through grief | Holmes, Margaret and Sasha Mudlaff (Centering Corporation, 1999) |
Ages 5-9. Explores the feelings Sam has after his dad dies. Includes a parent’s guide for helping children cope with grief. |
vf | |
Samantha Jane’s Missing Smile | Kaplon, Julie, PhD. and Donna Pincus, PhD. (Magination Press, 2007) |
Ages 5-8. The story of a young girl whose father has recently died, which deals with the full range of emotions, questions, and worries that children have when a parent has died. Offers ways to remember and honor the lost parent, encourages the open sharing of feelings, and helps children understand that their parents want them to be happy and live their lives fully. |
jF K | |
Sarah's Journey: one child's experience with the death of her father | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Center for Loss and Life Transition, 1992) |
This book describes Sarah's grief following her father's death. It offers compassionate practical advice for adults who want to help grieving children. |
155.9 W | |
Savage God, The: a study of suicide | Alvarez, A. (Random House, 1972) |
A deep compassionate insight into the realm of self-destruction from a personal, literary and existential point of view. |
179 A | |
Savannah's Sunflowers: A Story about life, love, and loss | Montini-Mosca, Gina (Goose River Press, 2019) |
Two young friends, Carly and Savannah, experience the fullness of life by by creating a friendship garden. Unfortunately, tragedy occurs when young Savannah is diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer. As the seasons turn Carly attempts to comprehend death and support her dying friend. When Savannah dies Carly is able to find ways to cope with her grief and honor her friend. |
jF M | |
Say Hi to Jesus for Me | Monson, Gabriele (Augsburg Publishing House, 1979) |
Todd Monson's story, as told by his mother, touches the deep center of emotional and spiritual life. |
B M | |
Saying Good-bye to the Pet You Love | Greene, Lorri A. and Jaquelyn Landis (New Harbinger Publications, 2002) |
Until now, not much help has been available for those who have lost a pet. Saying Good-bye to the Pet You Love, written by a psychologist with twenty years of experience as a pet bereavement specialist, helps you understand the very special human-animal bond, which, in turn, can help you deal with your terrible loss. |
155.9 G | |
Saying Hello To Your Life After Grief | Clemons, Hardy (Smyth and Helwys Pub., 2004) |
A book designed to help people who have experienced crushing losses survive and grow beyond the pain into the light of a new day. The author takes an in-depth look at grief, one of the most common and universal experiences of life. Clemons examines the situations that cause grief and describes the stages beyond grief. He concludes his discussion by explaining how we can help each other grieve creatively and begin to live after its wake. |
248.8 C | |
Season of Grief, A | Dawson, Ann (Ave Maria Press, Inc., 2002) |
This book is a remarkable collection of quotations, personal reflections, and prayers intended for those who find themselves in their own “season of grief.” The insights and stories from Ann Dawson’s own experience after the death of her son are carefully placed alongside the comforting and often inspiring words of writers like C.S. Lewis and Kahlil Gibran. |
242.4 D | |
Seasons of Sorrow | Challies, Tim (Zondervan Reflective, 2022) |
On November 3, 2020, Tim and Aileen Challies received the shocking news that their son Nick had died. Seasons of Sorrow includes a selection of Tim's reflections sharing the poignancy of early grief, the doubts and fears that plague us during loss, and the faith and joy that sustain us through sorrow. |
248.8 C | |
Second Chance To Live: the suicide syndrome | Alpert, George (DaCapo Press, 1975) |
"To shed more lights on a matter of universal concern and to help us better understand why a suicide might happen, the people in this book have volunteered to share their lives." |
616.8 A | |
Send Me Tulips | Oleson, Kathe (Prisma Press, Inc., 2005) |
A tender story of living, loving and loss – speaking to the journey of our living and our dying; embracing the concepts of faith, grace and love along life’s path. |
155.9 O | |
Seven Choices: finding daylight after loss shatters your world | Neeld, Elizabeth Harper, Ph.D. (Warner Books, 1990) |
This book covers topics such as: the steps to rebuilding beliefs, relationships, and happiness; how to honor the past without being dominated by it; what assistance to request from family and friends; how to tell the difference between sadness and depression; when to seek company and when it’s best to be alone; why reminiscing about the past can help create a new future; and why some people take longer than others to recover their love of life. |
155.9 N | |
Shapshifter | Koenig, Amy Putney (Amy Putney Koenig, 2024) |
Shapeshifter is an interactive memoir with art and activities that wraps together my family's story of inherited grief following a tragic childhood death with original art and creative exercises that have helped fuel my recovery and death care work. |
155.9 K | |
Shattered, Surviving the Loss of a Child | Roe, Gary (Healing Resources Publishing, 2017) |
Hospice chaplain uses three decades of experience interacting with grieving parents to give this heartfelt, easy-to-read and intensely practical book. The author walks the reader through the powerful impact a child's death can have - emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally, and spiritually. |
248.866 R | |
She Was Born, She Died | Cohen, Marion (Centering Corporation, 1983) |
A collection of poems following the death of an infant. Expresses grief, anguish and anger. |
vf | |
Shelter in the Storm: helping others through grief | Hardesty, Beverley C. (GriefCare Publishing, 2004) |
If you have no idea how to help someone when they are grieving the death of a loved one, then this is the book for you. This book was written, based on the experiences of grieving individuals who have been there and were willing to share what were the best and worst things that someone did for them while they were in the midst of their grief. |
155.9 H | |
Should the Children Know? | Rudolph, Marguerita (Schocken Books, Inc., 1978) |
How the very young can and should be taught about death at school and at home. A resource for teachers of the young, as well as for their parents. |
155.9 R | |
Sibling Grief: healing after the death of a sister or brother | White, P. Gill, Ph.D. (iUniverse, 2006) |
A powerful mix of information, personal reflections, and poetry. The author draws on clinical experience, research, and wisdom from hundreds of bereaved siblings to explain the five healing tasks specific to sibling grief. |
155.9 W | |
SIDS and Infant Death Survival Guide | Horchler, Joani Nelson and Robin Rice (SIDS Educational Services Inc., 2003) |
This book consists of poems, letters, diary entries, and essays written by parents, grandparents, professional counselors, siblings, friends, and babysitters-all of whom discuss their personal experiences in confronting SIDS. After an informational opening chapter, the remaining 17 chapters focus on confronting one's loss and that of loved ones and how to move forward. |
618.92 H | |
Silent Grief: miscarriage, child loss-finding your way through the darkness | Hinton, Clara (New Leaf Press, 1997) |
Clara writes of her own grief, and interviews women and men. The moving, honest responses to these interviews tells the reader that through the tears and rage and awful silence, God still loves us and knows our children. |
618.3 H | |
Silent Sorrow, A: pregnancy loss-guidance and support for you and your family | Kohn, Ingrid (Routledge, 2000) |
Provides practical suggestions to validate parents' grief; cope with the unique concerns of early loss, crisis pregnancies, stillbirth, and newborn death; find medical, religious, and family support; and manage their lives afterwards. |
618.3 K | |
Single After 50 | McConnell, Adeline and Beverly Anderson (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978) |
A book about people who have changed their lives, people who have learned to stop worrying and start living, and is filled with practical, specific examples that you can draw upon in your own life, whether divorced or widowed. |
301.4 M | |
Single Parent Grief | Ilse, Sherokee (deRuyter-Nelson Publications, Inc., 1994) |
For women and men who are single and dealing with the death of a child in miscarriage, as an infant or as an older child. |
vf | |
Six Simple Weeks: A caring manual for support group leaders | Cole, Eloise & Johnson, Joy (Centering Corporation, 2001) |
This model is designed for a six-week time period. In other words, the group meets once a week for six weeks. When groups get stretched out over longer periods of time, participation is often interrupted. Many people can plan six weeks into their schedules, but beyond that, it may get complicated. It also means people are not committing to a series of meetings which may never end. Six Simple Weeks gives you everything you need to know to start a support group. It includes all the information necessary and a week by week model to get you started. |
vf | |
Sleeping Beauty: memorial photography in America | Burns, Stanley B., M.D. (Twelvetrees Press, 1990) |
These photographs were a common aspect of American culture, a part of the mourning and memorialization process. |
778.9 B | |
Someday We’ll Play In Heaven | Strannigan, Shawn Alyne (Standard Publishing, 1995) |
Ages 3-7. A story about grieving with activity pages and suggestions for parents. |
vf | |
Someone Came Before You | Schwiebert, Pat (Grief Watch, 2007) |
Book for the child who comes after the one who died. Explains the parents’ desire for a child and the sadness that comes over them when that baby dies. Then shares how the parents get to the point of wanting another child to come into their lives. |
jF S | |
Someone I Love Died | Tangvald, Christine Harder (Chariot Books, 1988) |
For children ages 4 and up. A very personal way to help your child deal with the death of a friend or relative. Includes practical suggestions for parents. |
j248.8 T | |
Someone I Love Died By Suicide: a story for child survivors and those who care for them | Cammarata, Doreen (Grief Guidance, Inc., 2001) |
Designed for adult caregivers to read to surviving youngsters following a suicidal death. 'Wondering if you could have done something to prevent this suicide is normal. Nothing you said or did would have changed what happened.' |
j155.9 C | |
Someone I Love Died from a Drug Overdose | Ray, Melody (Centering Corporation, 2018) |
Accidental substance overdoses continue to rise across our country, leaving families at a loss as to how to tell and assist the children that are grieving. This story is an excellent tool for parents and caregivers. Includes a workbook, definitions, some facts and a note to the adult reading the story. |
jF R | |
Someone You Love is Dying | Shepard M.D., Martin (Harmony Books, 1975) |
Offers specific details involved in preparing for death, ways of minimizing fear and grief and provides a forum in which people share their first-hand experiences with death. |
155.9 S | |
Something Very Sad Happened: A Toddler's Guide to Understanding Death | Zucker, Bonnie (Magination Press, 2016) |
Something Very Sad Happened is intended to be read to two- and three-year-old children to help them understand death and process the loss of a loved one. Written at a developmental level that is appropriate for two- and three-year-olds, the story explains death; lets children know that it is okay to feel sad; and reassures children that they can still love the person who died, and the person who died will always love them. |
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Sometimes I Cry in the Shower | Kelly, R. Gleen (R. Kelly Glenn, 2015) |
“As a grieving father, R. Glenn Kelly exposes the inner thoughts of a man who has lost the most precious of gifts; his child. Written with the powerful and honest emotion that only someone who has walked in his shoes can truly understand, R. Glenn provides encouragement, insight, and hope to men who are “in the club no one wants to belong to. |
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Sound Of Solitude, The | McKuen, Rod (Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., 1983) |
The Sound of Solitude is the most moving, private, and essential collection of verse Rod McKuen has yet been willing to share with his millions of readers. Written in diary form this book details the slow, secret search for love, the joy of finding someone, and the nearly indefinable emptiness left behind when love goes. |
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Standing Beside You: a book for bereaved parents | Maurer, Linda (Johnson Printing, 1996) |
The author uses her personal experience of her daughter's death to help other parents deal with their grief in the days, weeks, months and years after losing a child. |
155.9 M | |
Step By Step Out Of Grief | Mattern, Ivan G. (Droke House, 1973) |
Written for the bereaved person following the funeral. The book will not eliminate grief, but…can assist in adjusting to a new way of life. |
157 M | |
Stepparenting the Grieving Child: Cultivating Past and Present Connections with Children Who Have Lost a Parent | Fromme, Diane Ingram (Merry Dissonance Press, 2017) |
In Stepparenting the Grieving Child, Diane Ingram Fromme shares the assumptions and presumptions, steps and missteps that occurred within her own stepfamily. Diane faced the key challenges any new stepparent to grieving children experiences, including helplessness to know how and when to offer comfort, awkwardness to identify the times and ways to memorialize the lost parent, and outsider blues--not only feeling uncomfortable in her own home but also in her own skin. |
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Stolen Life, A: A Memoir | Dugard, Jaycee (Simon and Shuster, 2011) |
In the summer of 1991 I was a normal kid. I did normal things. I had friends and a mother who loved me. I was just like you. Until the day my life was stolen. For eighteen years I was a prisoner. I was an object for someone to use and abuse. For eighteen years I was not allowed to speak my own name. I became a mother and was forced to be a sister. For eighteen years I survived an impossible situation. On August 26, 2009, I took my name back. My name is Jaycee Lee Dugard. I don’t think of myself as a victim. I survived. A Stolen Life is my story – in my own words, in my own way, exactly as I remember it. |
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