Grief Lending Library
An essential part of the Academy, the Kim Peterson Memorial Grief Lending Library houses an extensive collection of books and resources for all ages, available for check out.
Located at Hamilton’s on Westown Parkway (3601 Westown Parkway, West Des Moines), the library is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Use the below categories to assist with your search.
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anticipatory Grief
- Children and Terminal Illness
- Children's Books
- Death of a Child
- Death of a Partner
- Death of a Pet
- General Adult Grief
- Helping Teens and Children
- Professionals
- Spanish Language
- Sudden Death
- Teen Books
Advanced Search
Title | Author | Description | Category | Topics | Location |
From The Heart | Rennie, Marilou, LCSW (Xlibris Corporation, 2007) |
A book of poems, each depicting a personal story. Stories witnessed by a Medical Social Worker while working with hospice patients and families. |
808.81 R | |
From The Heart Of A Bear | Zimmerman, JoAnn (Lazarus Publishing, 2005) |
True stories of the faith and courage of children facing life-threatening illnesses. |
155.9 Z | |
Funeral, The - Vestige Or Value | Irion, Paul E. (The Parthenon Press, 1966) |
It will help answer the question as to whether the funeral is simply a "vestige" of the past or if it still has value today. |
393 I | |
Funeral, The: a chance to touch, a chance to serve, a chance to heal | Manning, Doug (Insight Books, 2001) |
Funeral Service is at a crossroads--trying to maintain the history and tradition of the past while facing a public that demands services that are special, unique and personalized. The author outlines the issues and offers suggestions and solutions that can transform your firm. |
265 M | |
Future Widow: Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice | Lisk, Jenny (Bluhen Books, 2021) |
In this book, Jenny Lisk shares of when her life suddenly changed after her husband was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer. Follow her story as she tried to figure out “parenting grieving children, and rebuilding some sort of life for three--out of four--members of her family”. You'll love this poignant memoir because it's heartbreakingly honest, and ultimately hopeful. |
155.9 L | |
Garden Angel, The | Czech, Jan (Centering Corporation, 2000) |
A young child discovers a grandparents love grows even after death. After the death of her grandfather, Camillia decides to plant the garden she used to plant with her grandfather. She dresses the scarecrow in grandfathers old clothes and makes the best garden ever. |
vf | |
Gay Widowers: Life After the Death of a Partner | Shernoff, Michael (Routledge, 2013) |
A gay widower may find that once the shock and initial confusion of losing his partner is over, there are still many hard, lonely, and overwhelming feelings to be worked through. Often, the bereaved feels isolated, and looking around for comfort, realizes that he doesn’t have many resources to turn to. This book is a start. |
306.38 S | |
Generation RX: A Story of Dope, Death, and America's Opiate Crisis | Daly, Erin Marie (Soft Skull Press, 2014) |
While many books a have tackled the topic of Big Pharma, drug addiction, and our increasingly over-medicated society, Generation Rx offers an entirely new look at what the prescription pill epidemic means for today’s youth and the world around them. |
362.29 D | |
Gentle Closings: how to say goodbye to someone you love | Menten, Ted (Running Press, 1991) |
This gentle book is about people who have said goodbye and how they did it. Through their stories, one can find ideas, reassurance and the courage to face the death of a loved one. |
155.9 M | |
Getting To The Other Side Of Grief: overcoming the loss of a spouse | Zonnebelt, Susan (Baker Books, 1998) |
The authors having both suffered the loss of a spouse at a relatively young age. Their empathy, valuable psychological insights, biblical observations, and male and female perspectives will help you experience grief in the healthiest, most complete way so you can move forward to embrace the new life that is waiting for you. |
155.9 Z | |
Ghost Rider, Travels on the Healing Road | Peart, Neil (ECW Press, 2002) |
This bold narrative written by the drummer and lyricist for the band Rush shows how Peart tried to stay alive by staying on the move after the loss of his 19-year-old daughter and his wife. |
917.04 P | |
Gift of A Lifetime | Tate, Tammy, RNC, MA, CHPN (Focus on The Family) |
The anticipation of a new baby breathes excitement into a family. But for some parents, joy is replaced with heartache when they learn that their much-loved preborn child may not survive. The information provided will address your fears and offer practical resources to assist you with making decisions. |
vf | |
Gift of Grief, The: healing the pain of everyday losses | Tanner, Ira J. (Hawthorn Books, Inc. 1976) |
“…a tool with which we can take the powerful emotions associated with loss and create an experience of value and beauty.” |
157 T | |
Gift Of Significance, The | Manning, Doug (In-Sight Books, Inc., 1992) |
A collection of stories and insights of people who told the author the story of their grief. |
155.9 M | |
Ginny A Love Remembered | Artley, Bob (Iowa State University Press, 1993) |
The authors memoir of life with his beloved Ginny and the battle with Alzheimer’s that consumed her. From their first meeting in 1943 or Ginny’s final home in a care facility, Artley recounts his story of their marriage, family and careers, came the undeniable evidence of Ginny’s mental decline. Faced with the pain and confusion of Ginny’s illness, Artley and his family had to learn to cope with the grim details and long good-bye of Alzheimer’s disease. |
362.1 A | |
Giving Tree, The | Silverstein, Shel (Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964) |
Ages 1-8. An affecting interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return. |
jF S | |
Glimpses of Heaven | Harris, Trudy (Baker Publishing Group, 2008) |
Tender, heartbreaking, and eye-opening, the true stories in this New York Times bestseller offer a window into the world beyond and life after death. |
248.86 H | |
Go Out In Joy! | Herrmann, Nina (Simon and Schuster, 1977) |
An uplifting tribute to the human spirit -- to the nurses, the doctors, the parents and relatives, and especially the children at University Hospital Center. |
B H | |
God’s Heart, God’s Hands: reaching out to hurting women | George, Denise (New Hope, 1998) |
This book guides readers to understand how to offer comfort to women who suffer through broken relationships, discouragement, loneliness, spouse abuse, childhood sexual abuse, loss and grief, suicide, and more. |
248.842 G | |
Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die | Katz, Jon (Random House, 2012) |
Jon Katz addresses the difficult but necessary topic of saying goodbye to a beloved pet. Drawing on personal experiences, stories from fellow pet owners, and philosophical reflections, Katz provides support for those in mourning. |
155.9 K | |
Goldfish Went on Vacation, The: a memoir of loss | Dann, Patty (Trumpeter Books, 2007) |
Patty Dann had been married almost 10 years to her husband when he was suddenly diagnosed with a fatal brain cancer. In this memoir, Dann explains how the plans they'd made would abruptly come to an end. Worse, Dann had no idea how she'd explain to their three-year-old son. |
B813.54 D | |
Good Age, A | Comfort, Alex (Crown Publishers, Inc., 1976) |
A ringing affirmation of the pleasure, accomplishment and fulfillment within the grasp of those who prefer to remain youthful despite advancing years. |
612.6 C | |
Good Grief: a constructive approach to the problem of loss | Westberg, Granger E. (Fortress Press, 1971) |
Describes what happens to us whenever we lose someone or something important. |
157 W | |
Good Grief: helping groups of children when a friend dies | Fox, Sandra Sutherland (New England Association for the Education of Young Children, 1988) |
Designed to help adults who work with groups of children in their efforts to assist surviving children to cope with the emotional stresses with result when a friend dies. |
155.9 F | |
Good Mourning | Meyer, Elizabeth with Moscatello, Caitlin (Gallery Books, 2015) |
Elizabeth Meyer stunned her family and friends when she applied for a position at one of New York’s most celebrated funeral homes. It wasn’t the typical career path for a 24-year-old college grad but after planning her own father’s funeral – swapping in peonies for lilies and the Rolling Stones for organ dirges – Elizabeth realized she could help others celebrate the lives of their loved ones. Soon she was making arrangements for movie stars, musicians, matriarchs, moguls – and making quite a name for herself – as the city’s premier fashionista turned funeral planner. |
363.7 M | |
Good Words: memorializing through a eulogy | Hewett, Beth L., Ph.D. (Grief Illustrated Press, 2010) |
Teaches how a eulogy can help us in difficult times of grief. This book walks readers through the writing process to help them develop powerful and personal eulogies. It also helps readers learn how to deliver the eulogy effectively. |
265 H | |
Goodbye Boat, The | Joslin, Mary (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 1998) |
Ages 3 and up. Explores the pain and grief of saying goodbye. Even more important, The Goodbye Boat provides a message of hope that sadness will ease and that death is not the end. |
jF J | |
Goodbye Jeanine | Sackett, Joyce (NavPress, 2005) |
Goodbye Jeanine is a faith journey from the despair of a family member’s suicide back to hope and joy. This book reveals how Sackett learned to survive the mixed emotions of loss, anger, guilt, fear, and shame-and how you can too. |
248.8 S | |
Goodbye Sister: A sibling's book for infant loss | Newton, Kimberly |
A deeply personal and moving story uniquely told from child's perspective. |
jF N | |
Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone who has Ever Lost a Pet | Kowalski, Gary (New World Library, 1997, 2012) |
From the moment pets come into our lives, we know the day will arrive when we have to say farewell. Still, we are never emotionally prepared for it. Kowalski takes you on a journey of healing, offering warmth and sound advice on how to cope with the death of your pet. |
636.088 K | |
Goodnight Mr. Vincent Van Gogh | Doolittle, Lindsey (FH Books, 2017) |
This book offers a gentle way of explaining a loved one's suicide without sweeping it under the rug. By starting an open and honest conversation with our youth, we can help break down the stigmas and start raising mental health awareness. |
jF D | |
Gramp | Jury, Mark (Grossman Publishers, 1976) |
Experiences over the last three years of life. Frank Tugend's involvement with arteriosclerosis. |
362.1 J | |
Grandad Bill's Song | Yolen, Jane (Philomel Books, 1994) |
Ages 5 and up. A boy asks others how they felt when his grandfather died and then shares his own feelings. |
jF Y | |
Grandma’s Tears: comfort for grieving grandparents | Kolf, June Cerza (Baker Book House, 1995) |
Practical strategies for surviving the stages of grief are offered as Kolf empathizes with grandparents who grieve. |
155.9 K | |
Gray Fox | London, Jonathan (Puffin Books, 1993) |
Ages 6-12. Gray Fox runs over rolling hills, through the forest, and past quiet streams. The seasons pass, and as they do he finds a mate and they begin a family. Then tragedy strikes, but Gray Fox’s pride and spirit live on in his cubs, and in the memory of one small boy. |
jF L | |
Grief And How To Live With It | Morris, Sarah (Grosset and Dunlap, 1972) |
Intended to help the living work through grief to the time when we can build a new life for ourselves. |
248.86 M | |
Grief at School Resource Manual | Fitzgerald, Helen (American Hospice Foundation, 2000) |
Offers tools for school personnel to effectively address the needs of grieving children. Chapters include tools to help with data collection, classroom activities, and on-going evaluation of progress. |
155.9 F | |
Grief Comes To Class: an educator’s guide | Gilko-Braden, Majel (Centering Corporation, 2004) |
A handbook for teachers who this year alone, will deal with more than three million grieving children. Case study, class support for the grieving child, and ideas from counselors who have dealt with a series of deaths. Age appropriate responses included. |
vf | |
Grief Counseling And Grief Therapy: a handbook for the mental health practitioner | Worden, J. William, Ph.D. (Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1982) |
Describes the mechanisms of grief and the procedures of helping clients accomplish the “tasks of mourning” to facilitate moving through the process of normal grieving. |
616.89 W | |
Grief is a Maze: but we can find a way out | Ebbesmeyer, Joan (Grief Illustrated Press, 2010) |
The healing will begin as we journey through the maze of confusing twists and turns and some dead ends too, as we try to find our way. The ways of escape may differ, but all depend on finding one thing- JOY. This book suggests finding joy in ways of giving to others-for giving is the greatest joy of all. |
242.4 E | |
Grief Like No Other, A: surviving the violent death of someone you love | O’Hara, Kathleen (Marlowe and Company, 2006) |
Although this is a book for those left behind in the aftermath of violence, it offers concrete and practical steps, allowing family and friend’s safe passage through this incredibly harrowing journey. |
155.9 O | |
Grief Observed, A | Lewis, C. S. (The Seabury Press, 1961) |
A celebrated author submits an intensely personal account of the meaning of his wife's death. |
B L | |
Grief Recovery Handbook, The | James, John W. and Frank Cherry (Harper and Row, 1988) |
Using clear and poignant stories drawn from their own histories of significant loss, the authors illustrate in a very personal way what grief is and how it is possible to recover and regain a sense of aliveness and spontaneity. |
152.4 J | |
Grief Sanctified, A: through sorrow to eternal hope | Packer, J. I. (Crossway, 2002) |
Packer’s reflection about Richard and Margaret Baxter story surrounding Margaret’s death. Packer edited version considers six of life’s realities – love, faith, death, grief, hope and patience. |
248.6 P | |
Grief Undone: A journey with God and cancer | Groves, Elizabeth W. D. (New Growth Press, 2015) |
This story is about a family’s journey through – and beyond – terminal cancer. For the Groves family, faith in God and an awareness of his care played a pivotal role as they faced Al’s death, processed their deep grief, and gradually moved forward. Without sugarcoating the pain of grief, the book offers hope and healing to all who are facing the shadow of death. |
362.19699 G | |
Grief Works: Stories of Life, Death, and Surviving | Samuel, Julia (Scribner, 2017) |
Grief Works is a profoundly optimistic and compassionate handbook for anyone suffering a loss—from the expected death of a parent to the sudden death of a child or spouse—as well as a guide for those who want to help their grieving loved ones. |
155.9 S | |
Grief Works: sudden death | Underwood, Donna Reutzel (Morris Publishing, 2005) |
This book helps guide the reader through the many emotions that come with this type of grief of homicide, suicide, accident and more. |
155.9 U | |
Grief, Transition And Loss | Oates, Wayne (Fortress Press, 1997) |
"Pastors are privileged to offer ministry in the context of bereavement grief, but in this book Oates takes us into life situations where the significance of grief, separation, and loss often go unnoticed, such as divorce and employment situations. As always, Oates discovers nuggets of biblical wisdom and spiritual insight that ground pastoral care in the Christian tradition and connect caregiving with the faith of the parishioner." |
253.5 O | |
Grief's Slow Wisdom | Flint, Cort R. (Flint-Bridge, Inc., 1967) |
Proposes some specific things you can do to develop the right attitudes toward grief. |
242.4 F | |
Griefland: An Intimate Portrait of Love, Loss, and Unlikely Friendship | Bacon, Armen and Nancy Miller (Taylor Trade Publishing, 2012) |
Griefland. It’s a place no one wants to visit—a place without borders where language is inadequate and pain is constant. It’s a place where every morning one awakens to the stark reality that a loved one will never be seen, heard—or embraced—again. This is a place that Armen Bacon and Nancy Miller know all too well, for when they met, both of them had lost a child—a son, Alex, and a daughter, Rachel. |
152.4 B | |
Grievers Ask: answers to questions about death and loss | Smith, Harold Ivan (Augsburg Books, 2004) |
The author compiles more than 150 common questions about death, explores the emotions behind them, and provides clear and forthright responses. Whether readers find the answers they seek, new perspectives to ponder, or comfort from knowing that others ask similar questions, this valuable resource will guide both individuals who are in the midst of grief and those who wish to provide comfort. |
155.9 S | |
Grieving Child, The: a parent's guide | Fitzgerald, Helen (Simon and Schuster, 1992) |
Provides suggestions for dealing with a child's emotional responses (including anger, guilt and depression) and helping a child adjust to a new life after someone loved dies. |
155.9 F | |
Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back | Farley, Kelly w/Dicola, David (Aurora, Illinois: Grieving Dads LLC, 2012) |
A collection of candid stories from grieving dads that were interviewed over a two year period. The book offers insight from fellow members of, in the haunting words of one dad, “this terrible, terrible club,” which consists of men who have experienced the death of a child. This book is a collection of survival stories by men who have survived the worst possible loss and lived to tell the tale. |
155.93 F | |
Grieving for the Sibling You Lost: A Teen’s Guide to Coping with Grief and Finding Meaning after Loss | Goldblatt Hyatt, Ericka (Instant Help Books, 2015) |
For the first time, a psychotherapist specializing in teen and adolescent bereavement offers a compassionate guide to help you discover your unique coping style, deal with overwhelming emotions, and find constructive ways to manage this profound loss so you can move forward in a meaningful and healthy way. |
155.9 G | |
Grieving Garden, The: living with the death of a child | Redfern, Suzanne and Gilbert, Susan K. (Hampton Roads, 2008) |
This book offers support, understanding, and, ultimately, comfort and hope from those who have sowed the same tears over the death of a child. |
B R | |
Grieving Is Loving: Compassionate Words for Bearing the Unbearable | Cacciatore, JoAnne PhD (Wisdom Publications, 2020) |
This book is comprised of quotations from Bearing the Unbearable, and other sources as well, plus an enormous amount of new material from Dr. Jo. Especially well-suited for the grieving mind that may struggle with concentration, just 30 seconds on any page will empower, hearten, and validate any bereaved person—helping give strength and courage to bear life’s most painful losses. |
155.9 C | |
Grieving Teen, The: a guide for teenagers and their friends | Fitzgerald, Helen (Fireside, 2000) |
The author turns her attention to the special needs of adolescents struggling with loss and gives teens the tools they need to work through their pain and grief. Although the circumstances surrounding a death are difficult to handle at any age, adolescence brings with it challenges and struggles that until now have been largely overlooked. Fitzgerald adeptly covers the entire range of situations in which teens may find themselves grieving a death, whether the cause was old age, terminal illness, school violence, or suicide. She helps teens address the gamut of strong and difficult emotions they will experience and the new situations they will face, including family changes, issues with friends, problems at school, and the courage needed to move forward with one's own life. |
155.9 F | |
Grieving The Death Of A Friend | Smith, Harold Ivan (Augsburg Fortress, 1996) |
Guides the reader to move "with" rather than "against" the natural grief process as he explores its many aspects, including friending, passing, burying, mourning, remembering, and reconciling. |
155.9 S | |
Grieving The Loss Of Someone You Love: daily meditations to help you through the grieving process | Mitsch, Raymond R. and Lynn Brookside (Vine Books, 1993 and Updated edition, Regal Books, 2004) |
A series of thoughtful daily devotions, this book shares wisdom, insight, and comfort that will help you through and beyond your grief. |
242.4 M | |
Grieving: a beginner’s guide | McCormack, Jerusha Hull (Paraclete Press, 2006) |
This book is designed to help those in pain-and specifically those who have lost someone thorough death-to imagine the path before them. It is a path of suffering. But it is also a path that may lead to unexpected discoveries and to peace. |
155.9 M | |
Group, The: Seven Widowed Fathers Reimagine Life | Rosenstein, Donald L. and Yopp, Justin M. |
True story of seven men who were raising children on their own after the deaths of their wives. The men connected with each almost immediately, and over the next several years forged a deep bond as their monthly meetings evolved into a forum for healing and personal reinvention that transformed them in unexpected ways. |
155.9 RY | |
Grow Like a Sunflower | Bennett, Bunny (Bunny Sedmont Bennett, 2015) |
This book is designed to promote resiliency and healing in children that have experienced the death of a loved one. Using simple language and captivating photographs, this book guides children towards a path of understanding their emotions, as well as caring their minds, bodies, and spirits. |
jF B | |
Growing Through Grief | Towns, James E. (Warner Press, 1984) |
A book of comfort, insight and inspiration as the author communicates the meaning of his own loss, and the source of his solace. |
242.4 T | |
Growing Young: A memoir of Grief | Park, Bridget E. (CreateSpace Independent Publishing platform, 2013) |
A book about a sister grief after her brother died by suicide. She was only 12 and found herself "Growing Young". |
B P | |
Happily Even After: a guide to getting through (and beyond) the grief of widowhood | Fleet, Carole Brody (Cleis Press, Inc., 2012) |
"Learning to live happily after the experience of devastating loss is among the most important lessons that can ever be taught. Carole Brody Fleet dares to answer the questions that many are afraid to ask.” |
306.88 F | |
Healing a Child’s Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D. PhD. (Companion Press, 1999) |
For families, friends and caregivers who want practical, day-to-day “how-to’s” for helping grieving children they love. |
155.9 W | |
Healing A Friend Or Loved One’s Grieving Heart After A Cancer Diagnosis | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2014) |
This empathetic guide will help you be a compassionate cancer companion before, during, and after treatment. Whether the person with cancer is a friend or a family member, it will help you understand his or her physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual needs, and give you tips and encouragement for reaching out and being a steadfast, loving presence. |
155.9 W | |
Healing a Friend’s Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas for helping someone you love through loss | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Books, 2001) |
When a friend suffers the loss of someone loved, you may not always know what to say. But you can do many helpful, loving things. Compassionate and eminently practical, Healing the Grieving Heart offers 100 fresh ideas for friends, family members and caregivers who want to help. And each idea’s carpe diem will help you seize the day by supporting your friend right now. |
155.9 W | |
Healing A Parent’s Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas after your child dies | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2002) |
This book offers 100 practical ideas that have helped other grieving parents understand and reconcile their grief. Common challenges for grieving parents, such as dealing with marital stress, helping surviving siblings, dealing with hurtful advice and exploring feelings of guilt, are also addressed. |
155.9 W | |
Healing a Teen’s Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D. (Companion Press, 2001) |
Ideal resource for parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, teachers, coaches and others who want to help a teen in grief. |
155.9 W | |
Healing After Job Loss: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. and Duvall Kirby J., M.D. (Companion Press, 2010) |
Job loss is a major life transition. It can bring you down or provide opportunities that you never knew existed. This unique approach focuses on your whole experience, not just on find you the next job-although that’s in here, too. |
155.9 W | |
Healing after Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief | Hickman, Martha W. (HaperCollins Publishers, 1994, 2002) |
For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, here are thoughtful words to strengthen, inspire and comfort. |
242.4 H | |
Healing After the Loss of Your Mother: A Grief and Comfort Manual | Mallon, Elaine (Elaine Mallon, 2018) |
A heartfelt and practical guidebook for those mourning the death of their mother and for supporters hoping to help a loved one through grief. |
155.9 M | |
Healing Conversations: what to say when you don't know what to say | Guilmartin, Nance (Jossey-Bass, 2010) |
Whether it's the loss of a job, a marriage, or a life, in today's 24/7 world we're increasingly faced with uncomfortable situations where we don’t know what to say yet we're called upon to quickly respond -- online or in person. Filled with touching stories, this practical guide helps us step into someone else's shoes so that we can empathetically learn how to respond in times of need. |
153.6 G | |
Healing Grief at Work: 100 practical ideas after your workplace is touched by loss | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Books, 2005) |
Topics covered include effective ways to channel grief during the workday, supporting co-workers who mourn, and coping with traumatic deaths that affect the workplace. A special introduction for employers (mangers, human resource personnel, owners, etc.) addresses the economic impact of grief in the workplace and provides practical and cost-effective ideas for maintaining morale and creating a productive yet compassionate work environment. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Solutions for Pet Loss | Summers, Kenda (Self Published, 2020) |
A road map for those of you who are heartbroken, lost, feel alone, and full of sadness over the loss of your beloved pet. This book is filled with healing information and provides a deep understanding of what you are going through. |
155.9 S | |
Healing the Bereaved Child | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 1996) |
By comparing grief counseling to gardening, the author suggests caregivers embrace a more holistic view of the necessary process of grief. |
155.9 W | |
Healing The Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas for families, friends and caregivers | Wolfelt, Alan D., PhD. (Companion Press, 1998) |
Compassionate yet practical, Dr. Wolfelt's book explains principles of mourning, needs of mourners and suggestions for helping them meet those needs. Includes what not to do or say, how to listen and many more practical tips. |
155.9 W | |
Healing The Hurt, Restoring The Hope | Marta, Suzy Yehl (St. Martin’s Press, 2003) |
Even if children or teenagers you love appear to be doing "just fine" after a loss, the truth is, they may be suffering in silence. They may not even know they need your help. Suzy's simple, straightforward, refreshing style makes helping a child both easy and effective. Her approach works to keep misperceptions, isolation, and sadness from permanently affecting the important children in your life. |
155.9 M | |
Healing Tree, The | Hemery, Kathleen Maresh (Centering Corporation, 2001) |
'Sammy couldn't wait to go to Baba Marta's house. Her grandma told such wonderful stories. They were stories that filled her with delight. But the story Baba told Sammy today was different. Sammy and Bab had been sitting on the old swing under the oak tree. Sammy noticed a long bare strip on the trunk of the tree where there was no bark. 'Baba, what happened to this tree? Why is there a big scar running down the middle of it?'' So begins the story of the healing tree. |
vf | |
Healing Your Grieving Body: 100 physical practices for mourners | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. and Duvall, Kirby J., M.D. (Companion Press, 2009) |
When you are grieving, your body often lets you know it feels distressed, too. In fact, you may be shocked by how much your body responds to the impact of your loss. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart After A Cancer Diagnosis | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2014) |
This empathetic guide will help you understand and express your many difficult thoughts and feelings before, during, and after treatment. It will help you take care of yourself physically, emotionally, socially, cognitively, and spiritually. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart After Miscarriage: 100 practical ideas for parents and families | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2015) |
Miscarriage grief is real and justified. Love plus loss equals grief. The purpose of this book is to help you mourn and heal. This compassionate guide contains 100 practical ideas to help those grieving in the aftermath of miscarriage and all forms of early pregnancy loss. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart After Stillbirth: 100 practical ideas to help you through your grief | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. and Raelynn Maloney, Ph.D (Companion Press, 2013) |
The author explores the common feelings of shock, anger, guilt, and sadness that accompany a stillborn child, offering suggestions for expressing feelings, remembering the child, and healing as a family. Ideas to help each unique person—mother, father, grandparent, sibling, friend—are included, as are thoughts from families who experienced a stillbirth. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart for Kids: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D. PhD. (Companion Press, 1999) |
For young and middle readers (6-12 year olds) grieving the death of someone loved. Age-appropriate activities and gentle, healing guidance. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart For Teens: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D. (Companion Press, 2001) |
Written to help teens understand and deal with their unique grief. Gives simple, practical ideas and suggested activities. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Grieving Heart: 100 practical ideas | Wolfelt, Alan D., PhD. (Companion Press, 1998) |
Here-and-now suggestions for helping mourners heal. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Holiday Grief | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2005) |
This handbook helps those in mourning through what can be the hardest time of year—the holiday season. Readers will better understand their complex emotions after reading about such topics as honoring thoughts and feelings, creating new traditions, finding ways to de-stress, and incorporating healing rituals into the holiday season. All of the answers and advice in this guide are provided in the popular 100 ideas format that features one idea per page. |
155.9 W | |
Healing Your Traumatized Heart: 100 practical ideas after someone you love dies a sudden, violent death | Wolfelt, Alan D., Ph.D. (Companion Press, 2002) |
Death is never easy, but for families and friends affected by a sudden, violent death, grief is especially traumatic. Understanding and expressing these feelings helps survivors, over time and with the support of others, come to reconcile their loss. |
155.9 W | |
Heart and the Bottle, The | Jeffers, Oliver (The Penguin Group, 2010) |
There is a wonder and magic to childhood. We don't realize it at the time, of course...yet the adults in our lives do. They encourage us to see things in the stars, to find joy in colors and laughter as they play. But what happens when that special someone who encourages such wonder and magic is no longer around? We can hide, we can place our heart in a bottle and grow up...or we can find another special someone who understands the magic. And we can encourage them to see things in the stars, find joy among colors and laughter as they play. |
jF J | |
Heart Of A Hawk: one family’s sacrifice and journey toward healing | Tainsh, Deborah H. (Elva Resa Publishing, 2006) |
David and Deborah battle horrific grief and anger while trying to hold onto their marriage - and one another- after their son, Patrick, was killed in action in Baghdad, Iraq. This personal narrative shares the couple’s unforgettable journey together towards healing. |
956.7 T | |
Heart Of Grief, The: death and the search for lasting love | Attic, Thomas (Oxford University Press, 2000) |
Gives insightful mediation on the meaning of grief, showing how it can be the path toward a lasting love of those who have died. Describes the transition from loving in presence to loving in separation. |
155.9 A | |
Heart Transplant: a story of life, love, and friendship | McDonald, Patrick J. (Publish America, 2010) |
A man, facing the trials and tribulations of a heart transplant, rediscovers life with a friend as they explore questions of life, love, and friendship in both Jewish and Christian traditions. |
B Mc | |
Heartbroken: Grief and Hope Inside the Opioid Crisis | Krohne, Ellen and et al. (Creative Publishing Book Design, 2019) |
Heartbroken is a unique blend of the history of opioid addiction in the U.S., the honesty and courage of families affected and strategies to provide healing and hope. Seven parents share their diverse journeys through the opioid crisis and the traumatic grief of losing a child to drug addiction, in the hope of shining a light into the darkness that can enter any of our families.And, maybe, just maybe, keep another child and their family from this heartbreak. |
155.9 K | |
Hearts from Heaven | Prohaska, Rachel (BookBaby, 2020) |
This Children's Book is a reminder that God speaks to us in many ways. Hearts From Heaven is a visual way for both kids and adults to make that connection, holding onto the promise of God's love for us. Sometimes we find hearts through laughter and sometimes through tears. We're all on an adventure with our Creator, and Hearts from Heaven are just one of many reminders that He loves us. |
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Hearts In Motion Minds At Rest: living through the loss of a loved one | Brite, Mary (Barbour Books, 1993) |
Topics as notification of death, organ donation and funeral services are discussed candidly. Three easy-to-use checklists simplify the many tasks facing survivors and provide organization and efficiency at a time when chaos is more likely to rule. Spiritual and emotional issues relating to death are ably presented. |
248.8 B | |
Heartsounds: the story of a love and loss | Lear, Martha Weinman (Simon and Schuster, 1980) |
With bittersweet poignancy, Lear chronicles her husband’s valiant efforts to combat his sickness as more heart attacks and devastating postsurgical complications befall him. A stunning work of medical drama and journalism, Heartsounds is above all the gripping story of a passionate, enduring love. |
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Heartworks: a father’s grief | Petersen, Jerre (Heart-Work, 2003) |
Across the pages of this book, a father makes a courageous effort to put into print his deepest feelings regarding life. Spectacular photographs throughout help convey the emotions fathers experience after the death of a child. |
155.9 P | |
Heaven For Kids | Alcorn, Randy (Tyndale House Publishers, 2006) |
Ages 8-12. As a parent and a grandparent, Randy Alcorn knows how important it is to pass along the biblical truths about Heaven. So in Heaven for Kids, Randy has adapted his best-selling book Heaven for a younger generation. He’s made all the great information and fresh teaching accessible and applicable for kids. Set up in an easy question-and-answer format. |
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Heaven Is A Wonderful Place | Marxhausen, Joanne (Concordia Publishing House, 1975 – new edition, 2005) |
Ages 4-9. Children often have questions about life and death. This helpful book provides answers in terms children can comfortably understand as it explains God's role and His promise of eternal life as revealed in the Bible. An excellent resource when children deal with death for the first time. Formerly entitled If I Should Die, If I Should Live. |
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